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Single Postcard

Receive a postcard from the far north! We are located in the capital city of Iqaluit, Nunavut. The land of the midnight sun and the northern lights <3

Receive a postcard that has travelled across the treeless tundra, the frozen bay, and the snow-capped hills, and in the mail straight to you!

Our postcard will have a friendly message sharing details about REAL northern life and sending you warm greetings from the frozen north.

This is a great surprise to receive in the mail for those who love to travel, collect postcards, or as part of Canadian studies for your homeschooling program.

There will also be a special northern keepsake surprise with each postcard.

Please be patient with shipping times as we are in a remote location (fly-in only) so it can take up to 30 days to receive (though it is common to receive in as little as 7-10 days)

$ 8.00

$ 8.00
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