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The Naked Warrior, Master the Secrets of the Super-Strong - Using Bodyweight Exercises

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The Naked Warrior, Master the Secrets of the Super-Strong - Using Bodyweight Exercises
by Pavel

“ I T A I N ’ T N U T H I N ’
T I L L I  C A L L I T . ”
Even if you’re not a baseball fan, chances are that you’ve heard this quote
by umpire Bill Klem. After reading The Naked Wa rrior those words took on
new meaning for me. How many times have we seen someone perf o rm a skill
that appears to be magical? How many people do we know, or know of, who
seem to be able to naturally do things that we can’t do? The temptation is to
s h rug our shoulders and acknowledge their natural abilities, talents, and other
i n b o rn gifts. That is, until someone calls it. Until that someone can observe it,
b reak it down, and describe it to the rest of us in a way that makes it possible
for us to re p roduce the “magic”. That someone is Pavel. In his book, T h e
Naked Wa rr i o r, Pavel presents us with a clear system for building a stro n g
body that can perf o rm acts of useful strength, the kind of strength that men
have always needed to win when winning meant living another day.
I have spent my entire career instructing others, as a teacher, a coach and a
trainer of bodies. One of things I do best is to shuffle my mental deck of
e x e rcise and technique cards and deal out new workouts. I am always adding
to this deck because I have learned to be open to all sources of inform a t i o n
and ideas. I take what I have read, heard or seen and sift it through the filters
of more than three decades of education and experience. Then I try the re s u l t
out on whoever is either unobservant enough to miss the “I’ve got something
new” look in my eye, or brave enough not to care or slow enough not to
escape in time. If it works, it goes in the deck.
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