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About the book
It is known that the variety of production machines in our time is almost unlimited because of the rapid development in the world of the industry .. There are plastic injection machines, aluminum casting machines, melting furnaces, paint and paint machines, welding machines , turning , smoothing and cutting in mechanical workshops , thermo stone and the cement factories , even water treatment stations and The conveyors used in the production plant are abundant ... The machine mainly consists of :
The structure of the machine and the system of the electrical control to perform certain movements and the mechanical system for the implementation of these movements …
In addition , hydraulic pumps, valves, cylinders and hydraulic motors are included in a uniform system in the machine and lubrication pipes with a lubrication pump to reduce friction in the moving parts as well as to many of the electrical parts spread over the structure of the machine and the Electric board regards control and power equip …
We can say that most of the production machines are used to perform their movements for hydraulic systems ... i.e. the use of compressed hydraulics and controlling their flow and running to cylinders and pistons to move the mechanical arms through special hydraulic valves …
It can be estimated that more than 80% of industrial machines contain hydraulic systems of varying degrees of complexity and few proportions is used for other methods in the performance of movements such as pneumatic systems or mechanical means
Traditional, such as(V – belts) , gears … etc .
الصفحة 2
Therefore , the maintenance of laboratories is a necessary material for engineers and technicians in the industry and production , in addition to being divided by type of machine and work to be maintained, in addition to the type of maintenance to be carried out whether electric or mechanical , preventive or sudden …So we will try in this book to exclude topics of academic and theoretical ….
The academic study focused on the product, its types, its design and the design of the necessary molds for its production, and the minerals required for this in the so-called specialization of production and minerals, or focused on the machine as parts whether engines or pumps of all kinds, chains, gears or pulleys in mechanical science or means of electrical or logical control or computers in engineering branches Or to focus on elementary and physics topics to help the students understand the above topics. Thus , the machine is divided into separate units. The engineer comes after graduating to see them both, not separate units as studied …
Therefore , the studies and researches that are concerned with the movement and control and maintenance within the production machine have been limited to companies producing these machines or perhaps exclusive to the institutes and colleges that work for these companies in Europe and America..
The main focus of what we are trying to highlight is how to perform the movement within the machine by understanding the sequence of the hydraulic operations in detail, which are carried out by pistons and hydraulic motors ..... These pistons and hydraulic motors are controlled by an electrical control system that controls the distributers and valves Affect the movements of these pistons and hydraulic motors ….
نبذة عـن الكتاب
معروف أن تنوع مكائن الإنتاج في عصرنا هذا غير محدود تقريـبا بسبب ألتطور ألسريع في عالم ألصناعة فهناك مكائن حقن البلاستك ومكائن سباكة الألمنيوم وأفران ألصهر ومكائن ألصبغ والطلاء بأنواعها ومكائن أللحام والخراطة والـتـنـعـيـم والقطع في ألورش ألميكانيكية ومعامل طابوق ألثرمستون والإسمنت وحتى محطات تصفية ألمياه وخطوط التجميع والتغليف والأحزمة ألناقـلة ألمستخدمة داخل ألمعامل ألإنتاجية بكثرة ... وتـتـكـون الماكنة ألإنتاجية وبشكل رئيسي من:
هـيـكـل ألماكنة ونظام ألسيطرة ألكهربائية لتأدية حركات معينة ونظام ميكانيكي لـتـنـفـيـذ هذه ألحركات إضافة ألى ألـقـالـب أو ألعدد ألمطلوبة لإنجاز ألعملية ألإنتاجية ......

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