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Shift Your Reality | 6 Hz Theta Waves + Solfeggio Frequencies | Morphic Field Immersion

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This unique track is an integral part of our 'The 369 Alpha Deep Meditative Journey' meditation. The potent combination of Solfeggio Frequencies and Theta Waves Isochronic Tones are meticulously tuned to resonate with specific energy centers.

🌟 Experience the grounding 396Hz, nurturing your root energy center and releasing guilt and fear. Elevate your heart energy center with 693Hz, fostering deeper connections and harmonious relationships. Ascend to higher consciousness through the 963Hz frequency, aligning with unity and stimulating your crown energy center.

🌀 Dive into the realm of creative visualization with 6Hz Theta Waves, bridging your subconscious and conscious minds, enhancing memory, and unlocking your problem-solving prowess.

🎧 For an enveloping sensory journey, this track features Advanced Multi-Layered 8D Audio, optimizing your brain as a sound receptor. The dynamic sound movement in 360 degrees activates various brain areas, enhancing your meditation and manifestation experience.

👉 Remember: To experience the full potential of this meditation, use headphones. Let the frequencies guide you to a state of abundance and profound reality shifting.

Available in both WAV and MP3 file formats.

*Headphones and a black-out eye mask recommended