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Finding a Percent Word Problems Pre-Algebra/Algebra 1 Practice Worksheet

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This resource is perfect for students in grades 7 and up who are learning about percents and other ratios. Students will find this worksheet useful for testing their understanding of percents in real-world situations, close reading abilities, and general math skills.

This is a great way for students to practice their skills dealing with fractions, proportions, and ratios, percents in word problems. The material is designed in a format where it can be given as a test, homework, or classroom assignment. Teach students how to identify the key parts of the percent problem and structure the problem as a decimal, fraction, or proportion in order to solve for the required quantity.

Subject: Finding a percent

Pages: 7 (20 questions and answers)

Difficulty: 7th grade and up

Concepts tested:

  • Finding a percent of a given quantity
  • Finding what percent one quantity makes up of another
  • Close reading

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