Finding Ratios From Given Quantities Pre-Algebra/Algebra 1 Practice
This resource is perfect for students in grades 6 and up who are learning about ratios and looking to improve their skills. Students will find this worksheet useful for testing their ability to compare to quantities, create a fraction or ratio, and simplify that ratio.
For practice finding quantities based on a ratio, refer to our Finding Quantities From Ratios worksheet.
This is a great way for students to practice their skills dealing with fractions, proportions, and ratios in word problems. The material is designed in a format where it can be given as a test, homework, or classroom assignment. Teach students how to identify the parts of the ratio, pay close attention to the wording of the problems, and structure the ratio in the way desired.
Subject: Writing ratios based on quantities
Pages: 4 (20 questions and answers)
Difficulty: 6th grade and up
Concepts tested:
- Finding ratios using given quantities
- Simplifying fractions