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Sunday 9th July 2023 "Let us become aware of this inner Divinity"

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You will receive a copy of both the video & audio files for this Satsang meeting (MP4 video + M4A Audio format) 1 hour 34 mins

Quotes -

"As you open your eyes try not to lose that inward quality"

"Even when the senses are open we are still in contact with that which doesn't move"

"No karma can be attributed to that which you truly are"

"Within each and every one of us there is a deity -we can connect to it but it is dualistic and doesn't end suffering"

"The body-mind-world is a projection of the ego. Spirit has no name or form, is ineffable, cannot be understood by the mind but us definitely here"

Several participants shared with Tom how they were getting on with the teachings.

(Description put together by volunteers)

You will get a ZIP (2GB) file