TOURING WITH A SENSE OF URGENCY - a comprehensive guide to bikepacking racing.
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This 290 page book with 18 chapters is a comprehensive guide to bikepacking racing full of the tips, tricks and secrets that we wish we had when we were first starting out. Whether you're planning your first bikepacking race and just want to finish, or you're an experienced bikepacking racer trying to improve your performance, we've got you covered. Even if you have plenty of bikepacking experience, maybe a different perspective will help you get more out of your racing?
In 94,500 words we have tried to capture our approach to bike packing racing refined over the last ten years. Our method has delivered great results, not just for us but for those we have helped.
This book will help you prepare for and execute a bikepacking race. We cover the core skills, training, logistical planning and motivational tactics that we use to compete at the pointy end. To help you execute a race we discuss how we develop our own race strategies, the mental and physical experience of racing, nutrition, hydration, self care and avoiding or managing common bikepacking racing injuries. We also cover the often overlooked, but always difficult recovery process after racing. Finally, everyone loves a pack list! We discuss our pack list in detail explaining why we have chosen some items and not others.
OK... That's enough of the hard sell. We have gotten so much out of bike riding and bikepacking in particular. We want you to have a similar experience. Ultimately our goal is to get more people off the couch to try something that scares them a little. Most of the time all people need is a little bit of information and a small push. So here's your push!
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