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Newsers by Terri Witek

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“In Newsers, Terri Witek challenges conventional ideas of language and form, and in doing so makes the familiar become strange. Through vivid landscapes enriched with both images and emotion, readers find themselves in a world of disconnection and sorrow. Despite these dark moments, Terri creates hope by calling readers to rethink old assumptions, declaring ‘a hole replete? a gender reveal?’ This mini chapbook is not only masterfully crafted but it also reflects on contemporary society while offering a promising future.”

— Dona Mayoora

About the Author:

Terri Witek’s eight books of poetry include her newest collection, Something’s Missing in This Museum (2023). Her work has been included in two 2021 visual poetics anthologies: JUDITH: Women Making Visual Poetry (Timglaset) and WAAVe Global Gallery (Hysterical Books). Witek teaches Poetry in the Expanded Field in Stetson University’s low-residency MFA of the Americas with Brazilian visual artist Cyriaco Lopes. Website:

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