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How to shoot + look good in testimonials

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I created this guide to filming better testimonials (and talking head videos in general) because I saw the need in helping people feel more confident in doing video testimonials in the first place. And giving them specific tips and instructions increased their confidence and answer rate.

It's the little tweaks that can transform how a video looks (and make you look better too - not that you don't already look great, but the camera can be quite mean if you don't works its angles well... )

You can use it for your own learning or share with clients that you're requesting testimonials from. (I recommend using the free tool VideoAsk, they offer different ways to give testimonials and it's free. I use it, too.)

Why a guide? It makes clients more likely to use video testimonials if they know how to look better, do it quicker and feel like you're guiding them well throughout the entire experience working with you.
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