It's time for a very special Women in Horror Month and Valentines themed Popcorn Horror magazine. We are extremely proud to be involved with WiHM, and to bring you a range of awesome indie horror content from a dedicated team of volunteers and fans.
As usual, we are offering the magazine as 'Pay What You Want'. If you are able to pay, we ask that you make a small donation, which will help us contine supporting indie horror creators. If you aren't able to pay, we would also really appriciate you sharing the magazine with a friend, reviewing it on your blog, or sharing it on social media.
Our romantic monsters cover was illustrated by the talented Liam Irons. Check out his website ( for more awesome horror art.
We have broken this issue down into three categories, as there's so much great stuff to get through!
Women in Horror Month:
Female Horror Directors, a timeline
Scream Queens: A History
Jennifer's Bodies Festival: Meet the Founder
Jennifer's Bodies Festival: Filmmakers Q&A
Hand-picked top female directed horror shorts
WiHM Fiction Special: E.A Black
WiHM Fiction Special: Lori M. Myers
Valentine's Day:
Gruesome Gift Guide
Happy Valentine's from BLAIRE
Erotic Fiction from Destiny West
The Forest of the Lost Souls
Rock in Purgatory (R.I.P) comic
The Nightverse: The Unbreakable and Split Universe
Romeo's Distress
Diary of a Horror Nerd
Thanks for your interest in the Popcorn Horror magazine. #SupportIndieHorror