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Supreme Attraction - Women Magnet Ver. 🔞 2nd Generation

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This program is an improved, updated and enhanced version of the audio attracts attractive girls
We decided to improve it not only in technique but also in affirmations
Thank the people who took the time to write to me on Facebook and Instagram and tell me about some of their pro and cons experiences they had with audio
This helped me to make this program go through several stages leading to its good update
Although audio attracts attractive girls, it had many benefits, some of them were not for all types of people, especially for people who are a bit reserved or who have trouble starting a conversation with a woman

For that reason it was taken into account in this audio so that any type of person from now on can listen to it and be successful with a very high probability
Gain seduction skills
Piscology skills and self-control and self-control
Self confidence, security, comfort and everything that will bring you guaranteed success in women

The main objective of this audio is to attract women explicitly, in a sexual way
Being a magnet for women on another level
That they see him as an irresistible man, a man who should not let himself escape from the hands
Although this audio has to attract women as a sex magnet, remember that you can also attract them naturally, in a sentimental way and have absolute control of when to stop in any of the two mentioned ways.

▶ † нę ẅояlď ◀

Some of its benefits:
⭐ Attract attractive women
⭐ Use masculine body language and behaviors
⭐ Absolute confidence
⭐ Self-confidence
⭐ Safety to talk to any woman
⭐ Power and absolute dominance with women
⭐ Generate too much sexual tension in women
⭐ Attract any woman effortlessly
⭐ Unconsciously generating desires in women
⭐ Generate desire and interest in women
⭐ Seduction skills
⭐ Skillfully seduce any woman you want
⭐ Attracting machine
⭐ Unstoppable seducer
⭐ Women are turned on by you
⭐ Every time he passes a woman he awakens an incredible sexual desire
⭐ Any woman who sees you is excited and wants to have sex
⭐ All women love him
⭐ All women want to touch you in a sexual way
⭐ All women want to start a conversation with you
⭐ Women see you as an irresistible man
⭐ They see you as a delicacy
⭐ They want to touch you, kiss you, have sex
⭐ Excited to see you
⭐ They see you as a strong and confident man
⭐ They feel your sexual energy and want to have you
⭐ They want to have sex with you in a wild way
⭐ Sexually and magnetically attract women
⭐Attract women easily
⭐ Irresistible aura
⭐ High self-esteem
⭐ Love and respect for yourself
⭐ You are the prize of any woman
⭐ You know how much you are worth
⭐ You are the best in everything
⭐ You are the man, The AS
⭐ All women appreciate you because you are worth so much
⭐ Valentìa
⭐ You always get what you want
⭐ You are in the unique and key moment for success in women
⭐ Subconscious mind acts on autopilot for success in women
⭐ Activate seduction script naturally
⭐ Overcoming
⭐ Acceptance and decision to seduce the women you want
⭐ Elimination of fear
⭐ Women want you
⭐ Communicate through body language
⭐ Improved pheromone update
⭐ Women will approach and try to seduce you
⭐ Manifestation method (it is not only designed to attract in a sexual or sentimental way but also to express the woman you want)
⭐ Sexual self-confidence
⭐ Be naturally seductive with the women you want
⭐ Increased skill and mastery in language and seduction technique
⭐ Creation of a natural energy field that will be activated for the woman you want and will make her have desires and excitement for you
⭐ Increased and improved sexual interest
⭐ Your presence makes them feel comfortable
⭐ They feel safe with you
⭐ Improvement and appearance in privacy
⭐ Women are ready for you
⭐ In social situations, such as the street, on a bus, a store, etc., you will immediately find and attract attractive women of all kinds
⭐ Women will give you hints to have sex
⭐ Overcoming anxiety when approaching beautiful women
⭐ Live in the moment
⭐ Programming successful
⭐ Eye seduction
⭐ Generator of mutual trust
⭐ Own merit
⭐ Women express their interest both physically and verbally immediately
⭐ Be able to handle multiple relationships
⭐ Positive attitude
⭐ Ego balance
⭐ Take care of yourself, personal physical improvement
⭐ You own your achievements
⭐ Sensuality programming (be sensual in your gestures, walk, verbal language, etc)
⭐ Maximize and magnify social proof
⭐ Make women feel good and have fun
⭐ High male sexual value
⭐ Easily attract any woman in the world
⭐ Women give you pretty smiles
⭐ They encourage you to talk to them
⭐ They want to kiss you passionately
⭐ Incredibly magnetic and supreme
⭐ Women touch your intimate parts
⭐ Women touch you erotically on the street
⭐ Super rich smell that enchants them
⭐ Spell with the eyes and body gestures
⭐ Increased resourceful skills to attract any woman
⭐ When a woman sees you she is hypnotized by your charms
⭐ Synchronization with the law of attraction
⭐ Synchronization with manifestation
⭐ Synchrony to successfully attract any woman
⭐ Increased sex appeal
⭐ Women fall in love and hypnotized with you instantly
⭐ Sexual aura attracts any woman
⭐ You are the man that every woman wants to have
⭐ The most irresistible man on the planet
⭐ You warm any woman with your presence
⭐ King of seduction
⭐ King of attraction
⭐ You like to seduce and talk to girls naturally
⭐ Women magnet
⭐ Powerfully attract any woman who wants to have sex
⭐ You easily have sex with women
⭐ Seductive confidence in women
⭐ Body domain
⭐ They approach you for casual sex
⭐ Easy for many women to approach you and start the conversation
⭐ They seduce you everywhere
⭐ They give you hints that they want to have sex
⭐ They want to be in a private place with you
⭐ Exorbitant Harem Dominance
⭐ Every time they see you they want to make love to you
⭐ Every time they look into your eyes they want you to make it theirs
⭐ Communication and unconscious gestures that generate attraction in them
⭐ Master with elegance and attractive intelligence skills
⭐ Pheromones of attraction
⭐ Your body emanates pheromones with a super rich smell that attracts many women
⭐ Your pheromones are double activated if you are close to the woman you WANT
⭐ Pheromones are only smelled by women
⭐ They try to conquer you AT ANY TIME of the day
⭐ Avoid Wasting Energy (Like masturbation, xxx)
⭐ Free from negativity
⭐ Attraction in a sentimental and sexual way
⭐ Super Confident and relaxed with women
⭐ Magnetic personality
⭐ They compete for your approval
⭐ They seduce you to win your love
⭐ Cheerful and charismatic
⭐ Extreme confidence when talking
⭐ They all want you
⭐ They fall in love with you quickly
⭐ They feel special and loved by your side
⭐ Attract all the glances of women
⭐ Everyone considers you extremely sensual
⭐ You know how to listen to them
⭐ You know how to give yourself to them
⭐ You are important to them
⭐ Alpha male
⭐ You show interest in them
⭐ Good mood
⭐ Attract many beautiful women
⭐ You are attractive to all women
⭐ Great and successful
⭐ Good vibe
⭐ They admire you and follow you
⭐ You feel comfortable around all the attractive women
⭐ You radiate security, power and charisma
⭐ Strong masculine and extremely attractive body language
⭐ Easy to hold conversations for hours
⭐ Your presence makes them share their personal space with you
⭐ Safety addressing beautiful women
⭐ Ease of initiating romantic and sexual relationships
⭐ You make everyone love you
⭐ They love you tenderly
⭐ They find you attractive and interesting
⭐ You awaken huge amounts of sexual desire in them
⭐ Your contact with them induces immense amounts of pleasure
⭐ Your touch stimulates the pleasure centers of the brain of women
⭐ You radiate sexual energy through every pore of your skin
⭐ Natural seduction techniques
⭐ Powerful sexual magnetism
⭐ Elevated levels of pheromones that attract fiery women
⭐ They talk to you, ask for your phone number, social networks, etc.
⭐ They ask you to date them
⭐ Attraction in a powerful way, energy field
⭐ Attractive field
⭐ Magnetic field
⭐ Double quantum connection
⭐ +++++++++++

Contains much more

Some recommendations and improvements that I can give you when using this subliminal program
It is that despite having to powerfully attract any woman
He will achieve it and very successfully but not all women exactly the same
Remember that not all women will be able to approach you and this is because they are not all the same, there will be some women who have an immediate crush, but being a shy or reserved woman, who has never started a conversation with a man will make you miss that opportunity

Here what you should do is be more intuitive to look at the gestures, looks, smiles, body gestures, absolutely everything
It was for this reason that the updating and improvement of seduction skills was carried out in a conscious and unconscious way that will help him to approach girls and lose his fear
Have greater security and confidence towards yourself and not think about failure
If not in the continued success of the women who will come for you

This subliminal program will also increase your skills considerably with the passing of your listening days.
It will better awaken your intuition and read the behavior of women in your favor
Possibly on some occasions he is not successful because he is not so confident with himself or he is not sure that he is going to achieve it and quite possibly all this happens because before starting a conversation you thought in your mind that she would reject him and did it in a matter of about 2 to 3 seconds that although it does not seem like a great amount of time importance ... that could make all your energy and confidence decrease giving that rejection

In the same way this program will help you and little by little you will generate everything you want (all this mentioned is only for the different type of girls)
Whereas on the other side of the coin you will attract confident, confident women who are willing to do the things you want.
You will safely and effortlessly attract these kinds of "willing" women.
So we can understand that there will be two kinds of girls who will arrive by themselves and who will have to make a small movement to achieve their goal, since although they are somewhat shy, it does not mean that they will also feel sentimentally attracted. or sexual towards you

Experience will help you understand this program more as you listen to this audio.
Some of the things you can see and notice is when a woman starts smiling at you.
She uses gestures or plays with her hair, erogenous touching, loitering around you, etc.

Although the audio already works by itself and is very well designed for the success in attracting women
It also has a built-in field that is extremely powerful that will help you attract and incite desires or interest in a woman close to you at a very long distance.

This energy field is a beta version, however it has already been used in some previous audios and has given some favorable results, one of them is attracting money (not yet published) Attracting people of the gay male gender (personalized audio) and audio to attract your crush (testimonial via facebook)

This subliminal program already has a discount included and another additional discount has been added but it will only be available for 200 days

̶$̶6̶9̶.̶9̶0̶  -  $59.90

If you are from Europe and do not want to pay VAT, read here:

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♚ Drink water to hydrate your mind
♚ Don't obsess over seeing results
♚ Trust and have faith
♚ Visualize to accelerate your results
♚ Listen at a comfortable volume
♚ Be patient, be constant
♚ Use headphones for best effect
♚ 1 hour
♚ It is not necessary to speak English

Some additional instructions ::::::
- If your hearing is very sensitive to ultrasonic sound there is an additional file that does not contain this sound
- It can be heard in speakers but it is better with headphones, if you are going to use speakers make sure that only you and no one else listen to the audio, another man who is in the same room or place while the sound is playing can reduce the impact of the energy that way having fun
As I always mention all the audios in the store They carry unique energy means that it is uniquely personal (It was done in this way so that the result is more light and fast for you)

Disclaimer: This Program can attract all types of women depending on where you are, so be sure to use a condom or feel confident and ask about the health of the person with whom you are going to be intimate.
Although this program has a small protection code, it does not guarantee its 100% effectiveness (it means that it will not attract such women with any sexual disease or women who want to harm you or take advantage of you, but it is not 100% safe to avoid that)
Feel safe to ask about the sexual past, they will answer you kindly
The communication is very important

The supreme attraction audio short version was created for people who sometimes do not have much time to listen to the audios
Feel free to listen to any of its two versions, if you don't feel like listening to the audios one day you can opt for the short version audio, you can also combine it if you want
The time you can listen to it is 3 - 4 times a day (the short version)

Subliminal program produced by Fantasy Nebulosa Studios ©

This program has 3 files:
- A high quality wav file
-A high quality wav file without ultrasonic (it will have the additional name "K.O")
- A high quality wav file Short version

In the supreme attraction program in Spanish, the normal version was made and then it went to version 1.5
Therefore this program (version in English) goes directly to version 1.5

The update contained:
- Additional Aggregate Affirmations 10% +
- Built-in Voice Modulation
- Hemi-Sync Technology
- 2 extra layers added
- Synchronization of hemispheres
The weight has been reduced but maintains its fidelity regarding quality

Please always save the files in the cloud of your mediafre or google drive account in case of some kind of loss, I can't always store all the files ...

Thank you very much, I wish you many successes, love, prosperity, abundance and everything you want to achieve in your life 🙏

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Obtendrás los siguientes archivos:
  • WAV (677MB)
  • WAV (677MB)
  • WAV (75MB)

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