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Gustave Buchet

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E-book in PDF-format with quantity of masterpieces of this artist for your Home Museum.

Gustave Buchet (1888-1963) - Swiss artist who worked in Paris between the two World Wars, a follower of futurism, and then purism.

His father, Auguste Bouchet, was an amateur artist and teacher in the village of Etoy, where in 1872 he founded "Les Asiles à Etoy", which in 1962 was given the status of a public organization called the "Institute of Hope", a specialized institution for people with disabilities. The institution has 5 works of Gustave Buchet, including his self-portrait.​

In this e-book, we show the most interesting works of the artist, dedicated to nudes, as well as numerous abstract compositions. The names of the works are absent, since the meaning of each work is completely clear from its plot.
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