Unleashed Monthly Membership Program
ARE YOU READY TO … wake up your thoughts, change your reality, take control of your strengths, charge your energy, connect to your higher self, and Unleash Your Inner Witch surrounded by likeminded individuals to enlighten your path?
Then you’re in the right place!
Join my PRIVATE Members Only Facebook Group with:
- Monthly Themes voted on by YOU!
- Monthly Themed Workbooks with Print Quality Grimoire Pages
- Q&A
- Members-Only Group Sessions (2x per mth) - $200 Value!
- Action plan after every session
- Tarot or Manifestation Card reading every session
24/7 Access
- Access to Online Member Portal & Training - $100 Value!
- Members-Only Facebook Group - $300 Value!
- Monthly COVENconnections FREE - $30 Value!
- Monthly Workshop with FREE printables - $27 Value!
- Monthly Workshop VIP Access with lifetime recordings 50% off - $55 Value!
- You'll never be alone! 1:1 Discussion Board in Member Portal FREE - $111 Value!
- Unleash Your Inner Witch Shop discount for the duration of your membership! 20% off!AND MORE!
When you’re ready we have a 1:1 session!
- Birth Chart Session covering Sun & Moon Signs
- Determine any questions you may have about your path
Roughly $900 per month in value for less than a daily Frappuccino!
$15 Weekly Subscription
- All of the above with a weekly $15 charge on whatever day you start your membership
- Totals $60 in monthly charges
$36 Monthly Subscription
- All of the above with a monthly $36 payment on the date you start your membership.
- $24 per month savings over weekly subscription!
$375 One Year Purchase
- Get Unleashed & go all in!
- All of the above with a one time $375 charge
- 1 Year Full Access
- Renew on your chosen date, yearly by repurchasing
- All Features FREE, including VIP Access Workshops - additional $660 Value!