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Bible Plugin for OBS Studio: Easter 2022 Theme Pack

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Important: Theme packs only work with the paid Coffee Version of the Bible Plugin. They are not compatible with the free online version.

Easter 2022 Theme Pack
for Bible Plugin for OBS Studio

The Easter 2022 Theme Pack is a theme pack for use with Bible Plugin for OBS Studio (Coffee Edition). Display Bible verses on your recordings and streams with a variety of themes that, while designed for Good Friday and Easter, can also be used for a variety of occasions.

Included Themes

Note: If you are using Bible Plugin for OBS Studio v1.5.0 and above, you can try any or all of these themes with the verse of your choice! Just click Themes.

Basket of Eggs

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his great mercy became the father of us again to a living hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. (1 Peter 1:3, WEB)

Basket of Eggs is a largely green theme with its colorful namesake on the right. A playful theme meant to evoke the joy of this season, the green background is decorated with polygonal shapes, while the colorful basket of eggs rests easy on the side and idly watches by.

Default Google Fonts:
  • Oxygen
Theme Variants: No theme variants

Animation: Not animated

Cross and Thorns

For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. (Matthew 12:40, WEB)

The message of Good Friday rings loud and clear, as Cross and Thorns reminds its viewers of Christ's death on the cross. The animated background slowly moves, revealing polygonal shapes. Against it the cross stands dignified, the crown of thorns imposing.

Default Google Fonts:
  • Quicksand
  • Rowdies
Theme Variants (by background position):
  • 1 (top 20% of background height, white text)
  • 2 (20%-40% of background height, white text)
  • 3 (40%-60% of backgrond height, black text)
  • 4 (60%-80% of background height, black text)
  • 5 (80%-100% of background height, black text)
Animation: Animated

It Is Finished

where they crucified him, and with him two others, on either side one, and Jesus in the middle. (John 19:18, WEB)

The crosses stand firm as the forces of good and evil rage unseen. Choose from a staggeringly wide variety of background colors. In Darkness Fell, the forces of darkness threaten to overwhelm the cross into nothingness. Dawn and Dusk present the crosses on a vivid canvas of color. Blood Covenant paints the sky as red as the blood that was shed for the salvation of humanity. Choose from these and many more.

Default Google Fonts:
  • Fredoka
Theme Variants (by color):
  • Blood Covenant
  • Clear Sky
  • Darkness Fell
  • Dawn
  • Dusk
  • Green Pastures
  • Light and Darkness
  • Light and Glory
  • Sunrise 1
  • Sunrise 2
  • Light Shadowed
  • Sunset
  • The Heavenlies 1
  • The Heavenlies 2
  • The Heavenlies 3
Animation: Animated


You only need Bible Plugin for OBS Studio's Coffee Version set up and working on your computer. Please note that theme packs cannot be used on the free online version of the Bible plugin.

Setup Instructions

After your purchase, you will receive a unique license key from PayHip. Please take note of the license key and save your email from PayHip for future reference.

v1.5.0 and above of Bible Plugin for OBS Studio

If you are using v1.5.0 and above of Bible Plugin for OBS Studio, setup is very easy. You only need your license key to proceed and an Internet connection for initial verification. After verification succeeds, the theme pack will work offline and an Internet connection will no longer be required.

  1. In Bible Plugin for OBS Studio's dock, click Settings.
  2. Scroll down to License Key / Gift Code. Enter your license key and click Submit.
  3. Everything is now complete. You can use your new themes immediately.

Older versions of Bible Plugin for OBS Studio

If you are using an older version of Bible Plugin for OBS Studio, we highly recommend updating to the latest version. However, it is still possible to use theme packs by following the steps below:

  1. Download the ZIP file included in your purchase.
  2. Extract it. You will see files ending in ".theme.css".
  3. In Bible Plugin for OBS Studio, create a new theme by copying an existing one.
  4. For each ".theme.css" file, copy the entire file's contents (Ctrl+C) and paste it (Ctrl+V) into the Bible Plugin's CSS field.
  5. Set the theme name and Google Fonts based on the comments at the top of each file.
  6. Save your changes.


One theme pack is valid with one copy of Bible Plugin for OBS Studio. Please do not share your purchase with others, or share the theme CSS publicly. Thanks for your understanding!

About Theme Packs

Hi, everyone!

I am very glad to announce the release of our brand new theme packs! Theme packs are paid addons to Bible Plugin for OBS Studio (Coffee Edition) that allows you to display Bible verses in a new way. Using a combination of original and edited public domain vector images, carefully crafted CSS, and conscientiously selected fonts from the Google Fonts library, we have spent no small amount of time making and polishing these themes for all of you to enjoy.

I would like to stress that theme packs are entirely optional. Anyone can make these themes using the tools we have already provided. As you might know, though, the Coffee Edition of Bible Plugin for OBS Studio is sold at the lowest price possible to cover some of the development and maintenance costs. The purchase of each theme pack helps support Firstfruits Studio and its mission of making the Word of God easily available and accessible to everyone.

Thank you all for your support! May God bless you abundantly.

~ Jon from Firstfruits Studio
Primary Developer

Refund Policy

Our refund policy is available at this link:
You will get a ZIP (413KB) file

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