Lovebirds' Garden - Just The Shapes
Lovebirds" Garden – "Just The Shapes" is a spin-off from my orginial Lovebirds’ Garden medallion quilt pattern, and just as the name suggests – includes “just the (applique) shapes”. The templates are outline drawings that can easily be printed on A4/letter size paper and then be traced onto your own materials to make appliqué shapes. Templates can also be used for paper projects. Assembly instructions for the feather applique are also included in this 8-Piece Template Set, which includes: two orange peel sizes, three ivy leaf sizes, feather, pommegranate, and small bird. Helpful applique how-to links are also included, one of which is my TOP TEN Starch Applique Tips. PLEASE NOTE: Quilt assembly and applique instructions are not included.
This instant downloadable digital 6 page template set includes:
• 8 Appliqué templates
• Instructions and illustrations for feather assembly
• Links for favorite appliqué tips/techniques
Supplies/Tools needed:
• Double sided fusible webbing/interfacing* for fusible appliqué OR
• Freezer Paper*
• Spray Starch* for starch appliqué
• Basting or school glue (washable)
• Scissors
• Rotary cutter
• Cutting Mat
• Pins
• Printer
*Preferred appliqué method determines supplies needed.
For layout inspiration and options and other tutorials, visit my website at
For questions or additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
Share your creations under the #lovebirdsgarden hashtag.