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Homeschool Life Magazine Summer 2021

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Inside the Summer 2021 Issue:
Learning Styles: The Kinesthetic Learner
Hands-on History: Development of Writing
Edible Experiments: Kool-Aid Rock Candy
Finding Strength in Your Child's Weakness
The Case for Year-Round Homeschooling
How to Teach Your Child to Read
Career Exploration: Being a Lawyer
Preschool Theme Day: In Summer
Free College Can Be a Reality
Raising Children in Christlike Character: Courage
The Mayflower at Cape Cod
Spanish I
America the Beautiful
Heroes of History 
How to Start a Book Club
Help! How Do I Balance Homeschooling and Homemaking?
Getting to the Root of Sibling Competition
Unit Study: On the Farm
Virtual Field Trip: NASA
What is the Fruit of Your Home?

The Homeschool Life Magazine mission is to empower, enrich, and encourage homeschool families. While we may not agree with every detail and statement in each article that we publish, our policy is to only publish articles that uphold our mission statement and statement of faith. This purchase will give you instant access to the Homeschool Life Magazine Summer 2021 publication in digital format.
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