The Interview Secret
Interviews. Something no-one teaches you how to do. It is almost always guesswork isn’t it? Go in and hope for the best?
Are you getting interviews, and then falling at the final hurdle in your job search?
Would you like to know how to improve your interviewing skills, and impress interviewers, get job offers, and then get the employer to increase their job offer? Then you need this book, where you will learn the PROVEN techniques of:
How to prepare properly for an interview;
How to beat nerves (always useful, not only in interviews);
What to do and say in the interview to maximise your chances;
What to do after the interview;
How to negotiate a better offer when it comes. This simple technique on its own could be worth thousands of pounds to you, if used correctly.
Leaving your old employer in the right way
Using these techniques properly will ensure your new job pays MUCH more than that though, particularly if you use the negotiation technique to get a higher offer. And, you have the information available to use time and time again.
What Buyers Have Said:
"These are common sense. The author speaks with considerable experience and does a good job of boiling it all down to the salient facts. They get to the point and jettison the fluff. I could have looked at it and thought 'I know all this' but my knowledge was not reflected on my CV and in interviews, I certainly wasn't using it. You could pay the small price for this book, or spend a couple of days research in the library to achieve mostly the same end, and you still wouldn't know how to negotiate a better offer, or have the information to keep. They got me a new job very quickly. Well worth the money"
S.D., ‘The CV Secret’ and ‘The Interview Secret’
“I bought this, having used the book on CVs, resulting in me getting interviews. I now know where I was going wrong at the final hurdle. If you want to know how to interview, just buy this book.”
R.M., “The Interview Secret”
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