God Conscious Meditation... is to be received as a personal gift to the world from God & the Mystic Man... It is to be used as a resource to help you connect to God Personally... no matter what Faith you follow... It is a unique style of Meditation being of Gods design... as God is the ever present Director of God Conscious Meditation & the Mystic Man founder (February 1993)… God guides You personally everyday through God Conscious Meditation... Each time strengthening your Faith in God... while also feeling overwhelmed from the experience of Gods Love for you... Causing you to get up close & Personal with God... each time You Meditate in God Conscious Meditation... There are 4 God Conscious Meditation Manuals... 1 Beginner - Standard Style... 2 Disciplined - Spiritual Awareness Style... 3 Advanced - Enlightenment Inspiration Style... 4 Mystic & World Server - Full Comprehensive Style... I am Gods Messenger... I come to you as the Voice of God & a Prophet... God Bless... Mystic Man...
This is the 3rd Advanced Manual... Enlightenment Inspiration style... You are guided by God through the Heart of God consciousness... & will Connect, Align & Join with God personally through regular practise of God Conscious Meditation... you will be guided by God & those that are assigned to you by God (for example... Angels, Mystics, Saints & the like)... while progressively aligning with the Heart of God to attain God’s Truth & Wisdom from God’s Plane/Worlds of the Heart of God Consciousness...