Firework Gun
PEW PEW OoooO prettiiii!
Fireworks perfect for that special occasion! New year? Birthday? Party? Just want to show off to that cool eboy/egirl?
Gun to shoot out fireworks with contact for index fingers OR disable it and just use button to hold down in menu. Gun also has audiolink!
Please do not use this in a small room or to annoy people C:
Firework collides with world and players!
Comes fully set up with fx, params, Menu and prefab!
- Toggle Gun
- Change hand to hold
- Turn off finger contact
- Button if to shoot if you do not wish to use finger contact.
How to?
- Drag and drop prefab in Hirearchy
- drag and drop the "firework gun" ontop of avatar name. So its on avatar Root.
- Drag and drop "Left hand" and "Right hand" on wrists
- Move gun position on these ^ and lineup the gun so your index fingers touch the blue contact when doing fist!
- Merge fx and params and add the menu to your own menu!
Particle Shader: Here
(Included in package)
Everything else made by me!
(avatars in videos are personal)
You may use the gun without the particles or use particles without the gun, BUT only if you keep all particles together and never for assets sold or free - only for finished models.ย