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Human Design for Relationships and Marriage Compatibility

Relationship Compatibility Guidance

Compatibility in relationships and marriage - we look how Human Design can align us with our best partners and foster the connections we already have.

How are we compatible emotionally/ mentally/ sexually / verbally - guidance about deeper attraction or repulsion energies and how Generators relate to Projectors, Reflectors to Manifestors and many other combinations - as we are so unique as individuals each one of us.

How can I help you ?

  • learn about different types of attraction / repulsion / learning energy that gets created when 2 or more people are together
  • electromagnetic sparks
  • compromise and allow the other to lead
  • one person dominates with their energy - how to make it work for both sides
  • how to find your ideal partner based on energy type ( Generator, Projector, Manifestor, Reflector )
  • who gets along with who and why - explained on a deep energetic level
  • how to communicate boundaries based on your and your partners energy type
  • how to communicate clearly to get your needs met
  • how to nurture intimacy, transparency, honesty and open communication
  • how to not take things personally by explaining basic mechanics of human design
  • who amplifies what kind of energy and who absorbs it ( doubt, pressure, frustration, sexual satisfaction, self worth, vocal manifestation, survival instincts, sense of direction, emotional charge ) - and what to do about it

  • birth time in minutes and birth location required

Choose a pricing plan

1 Session - 90 Minutes


3 Sessions ( 3 x 90 minutes ) Discounted


Frequently Asked Questions

If I'm not happy with my purchase can I get a refund?

No refunds available - only 1 time reschedule option.

How does appointment scheduling work?

When you've completed purchasing you'll be able to login to your coaching account and can find out the next steps required to book a time for your appointment from there.

Is it possible to buy coaching more than once?

For sure! You simply need to purchase coaching again and will be able to get access to another set of coaching sessions.