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Support System

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Advanced artillery barrage support system. Includes smoke and high explosive shells

Highly adaptable as you can change particles easily as well you can change any of the Sound Effects


Settings are adjustable as well, you can change them in a script named "Settings"

Settings included:

  • FireRate = 60/300; Firerate at which shells are fired (Minute/Amount of shells)
  • Spread = 55; Spread in which shells (Lower the spread lower the accuracy)
  • CanKillBehindWall = false; If set to false, it can't kill players in cover
  • Radius = 25; Kill radius of the explosion
  • Strikes = 6; Amount of shells/rockets that will hit the desired position
  • cooldown = 5; Time until you can call another strike
  • Position,5,5); Position at which rockets spawn
  • FOV = 25 FOV when using binocular

Whitelisting Server:

You will get the following files:
  • RBXM (181KB)
  • TXT (163B)

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