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Thursday 17th August 2023 "Satsang Recording from May 2022"

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You will receive a copy of the video files for this Satsang meeting (MP4 video)

1 hours 21 mins

This is a section of a recording of a satsang in May 2022 which was played to meeting participants on 17.03.23.

Everybody knows 'I Am' so this way is open to everyone whether you believe in God or Bhagavan Ramana. It is a universal teaching.

Some people call it the path of knowledge because you discover what you truly are.

Bhagavan Ramana calls it the direct path, but it is the only path.

There are many ways to this liberating path but this is the only way ultimately.

Distortions to the path are described by Tom.

(Description put together by volunteers)

You will get a MP4 (1GB) file