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Detox Guide

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While doing this 7 Day Cleanse & Detox, many people experience not only a physical food cleanse, but also go through an emotional cleanse. 

Many of us use food as comfort when we’re feeling down, stressed or bored. We try to feed our mood with the satisfaction of food and this relationship with food has turned from one of nourishment & fueling the body to one of trying to avoid or escape a dark thought. 

We're here to say that no amount of ice cream, sweets, alcohol or chocolate is going to actually help us work through those dark emotional times. 

So what happens when we stop filling the void with foods that don’t fuel us?

It’s very common for our emotions and moods to go through a bit of a roller coaster ride. After all, we are human who experience several emotions daily. During a cleanse, we often feel everything from the highs of feeling overly joyous and energized to the lows of extreme frustration, agitation and guilt. That’s because once you cut out processed toxic foods from your body, you’ll start to release stored toxins that causes these unpleasant mood swings. 

Its apart of what we call this the detox effect.

The good news is that this will only last a short time, and it’s worth strapping yourself in for the rollercoaster, because your body will love you for it afterwards! 

During the post-cleanse period, once the toxins have been eliminated from your body, you are likely to feel more balanced, happy and energized on a regular basis.
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