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Space Clearing your Home

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Space Clearing Your Home - more than just decluttering
How is your house feeling at the moment, after being stuck in the same place altogether? Have you been having more arguments? Feeling odd when walking into a room or sitting in a seat?

You vacuum, dust and mop your home to clear the physical dirt - but what about the energetic dirt or mess hanging around?

Do you get too many door slams? Arguements in certain rooms or areas of the house? Feel uncomfrtable and unable to relax in certain chairs or locations? Then space clearing maybe what you need to help shift the energy.

Join me where I share a variety of tools in an interactive workshop on space clearing.

Learn about how pieces of furniture or possessions can be radiating negative vibrations, how power and water cables could be affecting your sleep and how those negative thoughtforms from arguements are pallaple and affecting your energy!

But most importantly find out how to clear and reduce their impact on your energy and your families!

This interactive workshop comes with a V-book ( a virtual book) full of videos and information for a deep dive into space clearing, energy, crystal pendulums and more - all for £47. During this workshop you will have an energetic plan of your house and an understanding of the negative energies affecting it AND Most importantly tools to clear them and regain a calm and positive house!

So come and get your house sparkling clean in a positive, love filled way 😀 

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