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Go Commercial: How to Make Big Money Closing Private Money Loans

By Mark Anthony McCray /

I've worked in commercial lending for years and done every type of deal. Ive learned a lot through successes and failures and my eBook "Go Commercial: Take Your Real Estate Business to a New Level" reveals real keys to closing deals. You can order this resource by clicking the link below because this investment will earn you thousands. 

Fact— According to the Social Security Administration, of those Americans who reach the retirement age of 65, 45% are dependent on relatives, 30% must live on charity, 23% are still working, and only 2% are totally self-sustained.
Fact- You can still achieve success and financial independence in the real estate industry.
Fact- There are tricks of the trade that have never been shared with you. You know it and we know it. Once most people learn the approaches that work and the REAL sources for commercial real estate financing help, they guard them and keep them a SECRET.

That’s why Mark Anthony McCray, Founder and CEO of First Capital Commercial Finance has made this recording. So many people have come to Mark for advice and help that he decided to find a way to help them all…or, at least, to give them a real boost that they could feel in their wallets!

This very special recording of a private training session held with new members of the First Capital team containing strategies, winning approaches to doing business, answers to your toughest questions about the commercial mortgage business and practical advice for how to break from the pack and profit in the challenging field of commercial real estate finance. This is the real stuff, not an overproduced commercial for more of material!

This program is a must for anyone who has chosen to work in commercial real estate finance, brokerage, investment real estate, appraisal services and other areas of the real estate profession. It's also a great primer for residential lending officers, realtors and brokers who are considering making the leap into commercial or who work with investors in residential properties.

Mark Anthony McCray has closed millions upon millions of dollars of commercial loans since starting First Capital. He has successfully structured simple and complex land loans, land development loans, equipment financings, leases, construction and renovation packages, permanent mortgages, commercial lines of credit, equity investments and angel financings and virtually every time of commercial and investment vehicle that exists. Now having condensed years of experience into this one treasure of an audio program, he shares practical guidelines for...

How to position yourself and your business in the marketplace How to convince more prospects to do business with you How to make sure you get paid on every deal you close…every time How to manage your time effectively How to convert more “suspects” into “prospects” and then into Clients How to earn the highest commissions of your life How to gain the respect you deserve as a professional real estate financier How to use Other People's Energy (OPE) to grow your business to new levels

And much, much more!

Learn to become a closer! This program gives you the secrets that will put money in your pocket – guaranteed – while sparing you the hype and fluff. This is real stuff with real value. Follow these success steps and in 31 days, your life will be changed forever! Ignore them at your own financial risk!

Rule 1: Always Think BIG
Rule 2: Decide Who You Want to Be
Rule 3: Drop Your Pride 
Order now to learn the rest and get ahead of your competition!

Confession: Most people would think we are crazy for offering it to you for anything less than a few hundred dollars. After all, it cost Mark thousands to learn what he is giving you in this recording. But he wants to help and there is enough business out there for everyone. Therefore, you can pay and download everything RIGHT NOW at a special discount pricing!

Also, if you are one of our first buyers, we will send you free Bonus Material: A copy of our Interactive Rehab Deal Evaluator OR a copy of my FREE eBook "Take Your Real Estate Business to a New Level"...YOU CAN RECEIVE BOTH IF YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR TWO-PRODUCT DISCOUNT!!! All of our materials have been tested and proven to generate results! These alone will replace thousands of dollars of trial and error.

Nothing is being held back. This is NOT a repackaging of what you’ve heard other people teach. Everything is disclosed with actual closed loan scenarios and real-life successes and mistakes. Mark Anthony has taught many people the secrets and techniques of our industry to brokers all over the country. Our students learn more in an hour than most have learned after working in commercial mortgages for years. Now, you will too!

This is your opportunity to learn about an entirely new way to approach success! 
Let’s make history.


You can order and get this powerful resource via instant download here now!

Also, we provide "bridge capital" for either purchases or re-financing. Whether an "A" paper loan or a Hard Money loan, we have the ability to understand a deal very quickly. We are very capable and have the ability to close in as few as 7 days or even less! 

Email for details.

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