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Business Development Review

Our Business Development Review is comprised of An in-depth set of questions that looks as the key issues for a well-managed business.

Examples of these questions include:

1. Do you have a growth strategy for the business?

2.  Is a business plan used to help you manage the business?

3. Have you taken steps to plan the future management of the business?

4. Is your business generating sufficient profits?


and much more to diagnose your business.

Once you have completed the questionnaire you will immediately be sent a summary of what you have scored.

I will also get a report but in much more detail, which I will send to you. Where I see very low scores I will send you some advice.

Dr Michael J Freestone. B.Com.(Kwa-Zulu Natal) Hons. FCIBM. FCIS. MBA.(Wales Cardiff)  DBA (New York)


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