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Living in a Make Believe World

Travis shares what living in his make-believe world is like as it helps him cope with social situations and autism. He uses the make-believe world sparingly as a tool to help him be happy and successful socially and emotionally. Learn how his make-believe world works for him and against him as he thrives on living with autism like a trooper in this great book about a young man living with autism.

Travis tells all in this amazing read that is sure to put the reader inside the mind of someone with autism and allow them to experience autism like they are in an autism stimulator. If you have ever wondered what it is like to live with autism then you must read this thrilling and suspenseful book about what it is really like to live in a make-believe world that others do not understand and succeed with autism.

Travis was always different growing up but today he sees his autism as a blessing and something to be thankful for. Now Travis hopes to help others understand him and the interesting traits of autism so that the world can be a better place for all people affected by autism and improve the quality of relationships between the autistic and neurotypical person. Read this book to live and experience autism like Travis does.

"This is one of the most moving accounts of growing up with Undiagnosed AS that I have read. Travis Breeding's honesty and willingness to share his struggles with some of the obstacles he faced growing up is a treasure trove for anyone on or off the spectrum. If you have a friend or family member who is different from what you or society expects, this story offers a bird's-eye view of what it might feel like to be in their skin." Maripat Jordan Robison

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