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333 Campaign-Healthy and Whole Workbook

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I'm sooo excited to announce my 333 Campaign. I am in a mission to get my Healthy and Whole Workbook to 333 wimen and girls across the globe! If you are ready to live physically, mentally, and spiritually well, be confident, and be a better version of you, THEN THIS WORKBOOK IS FOR YOU!

This workbook has many activities that will guide you on your journey of being healthy and whole!

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Customer Reviews


5 months ago

Self Reflecting/ Inspiring

I looove this workbook! It definitely gives you that push to get through the day with the daily affirmations! It also gives you so much confidence and reminders of who you are and Whose you are. It is also self reflecting; is always good to know what can you do to be a better version of yourself! You won’t regret buying this workbook! I highly recommend it