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12 Beautiful dragon illustrations

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12 Beautiful dragon illustrations 2048 * 3072 full resolution on download

The poem

Once there was a dragon, tall and proud,

With scales as shiny as a summer cloud.

But try as he might, he couldn't breathe fire,

And for a dragon, that was quite dire.

His siblings laughed and taunted him so,

"You're not a dragon, you're just a show!"

But our dragon friend didn't let it bring him down,

He found new ways to shine all around town.

He learned to sing and play the lute,

And tell stories that would make you hoot.

He even taught himself to bake,

And his cupcakes were always a hit at the lake.

And as he spread joy with every deed,

His siblings realized that they had misread.

For being a dragon is not just about fire,

But about having a heart that's filled with desire.

So let this be a lesson to us all,

To not judge based on just one flaw.

For the dragon who couldn't breathe fire,

Showed us that there's more to life than just being a sire.

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