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3DINTERSECTION for AutoCAD or BricsCAD, Trial version

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An add-on for AUTOCAD or BricsCAD, which determines the 3D intersection curves between 2 sets consisting of 3DFACE, 3DSOLID or 3DMESH entities. The outcome is represented by 3DPOLY entities. It can also generate cross sections and contour lines.

You can use trial versions which, although limited, can still solve the problems you have in your design. In addition, you can test and get used to the programs, in case of purchasing the full version.

This small amount will help us to further develop the software. Payment by card is absolutely safe, through Paypal or Stripe. Both are extremely popular and secure payment providers. You don't need to have a PayPal account to pay though PayPal. Thank you in advance.

If you have an urgent design problem or you want a free trial of the program, send us the data to and we will solve the problem immediately by running the program.
You will get a ZIP (877KB) file