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8 Common Errors in Selecting Solar Companies and How to Avoid Them

Options for solar companies are increasing every year. A lot of homes and companies have found solar to be a good alternative energy source because of this. 

Right now, there are about 263,000 Americans that work in the solar industry. 

With this industry so large, you may not know which company to work with in the solar industry. What can be crucial here is knowing what not to do when looking for a company you want to work with. 

Here are eight errors in selecting solar companies that you should avoid. 

1. Not Reading Online Reviews

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make during this process is failing to read online reviews for solar companies. These reviews and testimonials can give you insight into what past customers thought of the product and services that these solar companies offer. 

Was the company friendly to deal with? Did they have good customer service? Did the solar panel installation take a long time? 

These are questions that are worth answering before you commit to a solar company. Online reviews allow customers to let other potential customers know what kind of product and service they should expect. 

2. Not Asking Around 

Going off of the above, you should ask some peers if they know any solar companies that they could recommend. This can be anyone from family to friends and other business associates in your social network. 

If you are asking one of these people about this, it is likely that you trust your judgment. In that situation, humans tend to trust recommendations from people that are close to them. 

So, if you know someone that was in a similar situation as you with a solar company, you can pick their brain and see if they know a solar company that stands out. 

3. Only Thinking About the Price 

Like most things in life, solar companies do not provide free service. You are going to have to pay for their products and services. So, you have to determine how much you are willing to spend on these things. 

While you should have a budget before making a final purchasing decision, you should not be married to the cheapest company that comes your way. 

If one company offers the same product or service for a much cheaper rate than other companies, there may be a reason for this. It is likely that you would get an inferior product or inferior service in this scenario. 

So, remember that price is not everything when it comes to finding the right solar company for you. 

4. Not Looking at Local Options

You may not be aware that there is a decent solar company in your area. You should make the effort to try to find one because there is a chance that it can help you save some money on certain costs. 

If you need installation and delivery, these are two examples out of the gate. On top of this, you could go to a local office if anything ends up being wrong with a product or service that the company gives you. 

5. Not Listening to Your Gut 

Sometimes, you have to go with your gut instinct in life. This is something that your body senses when it comes to making right and wrong decisions. 

Truthfully, this is essentially using your best judgment. However, if your gut is telling you something about a company or a representative from that company, you should listen to your gut. They may end up trying to offer you a deal that is too good to be true. 

6. Not Checking Credentials 

Every solar company should have certain credentials that prove that they are qualified to offer you certain services. This can be anything from repairs to installation and more.

You are going to want to do some research on what type of credentials you should expect solar companies to have. Then, ask about these credentials to a company representative during your first meeting or phone call. 

If they do not have these credentials, feel free to move on to the next company. 

7. Not Reading the Contract 

There is an old expression that states that the devil is in the details. What this means is that you have to read a contract over carefully to avoid getting taken advantage of by another company. 

Unless that company put something illegal in the contract, there is not much that you can do about the contract terms once you sign your name on the dotted line. 

For that reason, you need to read this over thoroughly before signing it. You may even want to have a lawyer review it. 

8. Not Exploring More Options 

Finally, try not to sign up with the first solar company that you meet with. If you do this, you will not have as good of an idea if you are getting a good deal or not. 

You need to compare things such as the credentials each company has, the price each charges, services offered, products offered, and more. Only then can you make an informed decision about what company you want to work with. 

Avoid These Errors in Selecting Solar Companies

These are just eight errors in selecting solar companies that you want to avoid. Things such as exploring all of your options, reading the contract, checking credentials, asking about the price, and reading reviews are all important for making a final decision. 

Do you want to know more? Check out our Guide section for related content. 

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