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100 Basic Latin Adjectives Digital Flashcards PPT and Google Slides Compatible

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This resource is perfect for students in Latin I - III who are working on improving their retention of essential Latin vocabulary. Students will find this worksheet useful for learning some of the most common adjectives that appear in Latin as well as recognizing some of their derivatives in English. This resource is a great way for students to study their English-Latin and Latin-English recognition. Pictures included in each flashcard help students picture the concepts the words represent rather than doing simple memorization. Included on each card (English side) are several derivatives to help students build a stronger connection between their understanding of the Latin and English.

There are four versions of this resource included: a standard version and an animated version of the flashcards, each that have a no shuffling and shuffling options (you will need to enable macros for shuffling to work) for the flashcards.

NOTE: The animated version works best in PowerPoint and all transitions may not show properly when uploaded to Google Slides. The shuffling option will likely not operate in Google Slides.

Subject: Essential Latin Adjectives

Pages: 201 slides

Difficulty: Latin I+

Concepts tested:

  • Identifying English definitions of Latin adjectives
  • Identifying key forms (dictionary definition) of Latin adjectives
  • Identifying English derivatives of Latin adjectives
  • Identifying corresponding Latin to English adjectives

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