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You Don't Know What You Don't Know

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So you’ve written a book. Now you plan to self-publish it.

And you’re very overwhelmed.

Self-publishing is a whole other beast from writing, and if you’ve never been published before—or even if you have with a commercial press—you might feel daunted.

This is normal. Everyone feels this way at first.

This guide is a very basic starter. It assumes you’re new to everything.

This is not a guide about marketing or where to buy ads. This is not about how to get review copies. This is not to teach you how to write.

This is strictly about different terms you’ll encounter and what they mean, the best practices for working with freelancers, and the nitty gritty basics. I’ll tell you want will make your life—and the lives of your freelance team—much easier.

Including: A glossary of common terms, how to prepare your manuscript for formatting, best practices for working with a designer, and more.

Clients of are encouraged to download this. You'll receive a 28-pg guide in PDF and epub.

You will get the following files:
  • PDF (613KB)
  • EPUB (139KB)