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Recent opinion polls in Europe have seen a huge rise of the far-right in Europe ( the FN in France or Sweden Democrats in Sweden ) in part due to the dissatisfaction of part of the European electorate with domestic and European politics.  Part of this dissatisfaction stems from the fact that people perceive that their Judeo-Christian values are being trampled on in favour of an abnormal imposed multiculturalism, which implies changing centuries old customs and traditions in trying to accommodate ridiculous claims by some do-gooders or leftists that those traditions offend other new-coming cultures.  Sometimes, these new cultures particularly radical Islam is not tolerant of others and does not want to integrate with others as has been witnessed by several high-profile cases in Europe.  This book proposes once and for all a truly Liberal secular policy separating state and religion whilst respecting local traditions.

It is also a brief essay which tries to answer critics who claim that Liberalism is dead and that free market policies in particular do not solve citizen’s everyday problems such as housing, access to health or entrepreneurship.

The book revisits very briefly the major ideologies prevalent in the 20th century such as Conservatism, Liberalism, Christian Democracy, Communism and Socialism.  After a brief examination of them it proposes a form of advanced or progressive Liberalism as the optimal solution for problems arising such as taxation, access to affordable renting property, health etc.  These policies are set out in a clear, concise and practical way abandoning any idea of treating them from a theoretical point of view since the author assumes there are already vast amounts of reports, research etc. which have examined the problems and what is needed are SOLUTIONS.

I am sure the reader will enjoy a brief and yet practical essay on this pioneering work on Liberalism.

For freedom, for liberty and for the fraternity of all peoples, progressive Liberalism!

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