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#27 — Newcomer Orientation
What is Emotions Anonymous International?
Emotions Anonymous International (EAI) is a 501(c)(3) international nonprofit organization that facilitates the Emotions Anonymous (EA) 12-Step Program. EAI is the administrative arm of the EA Program. EAI is not a religious or healthcare organization. EAI does not offer medical, psychiatric, or therapeutic services. EAI is not affiliated with any other recovery program.
EAI's mission is to support individuals with emotional difficulties in their efforts to live more manageable lives. Many people have found their way to a more positive life experience by participating in this program. Individuals seeking help through the EA program come from all walks of life and levels of mental health status. This program can be beneficial for those in recovery from addiction but is applicable to anyone interested in improving their emotional well-being.
The main office in St. Paul, Minnesota manages information about the groups' meeting information, maintains the website, publishes, sells, and ships the materials, and generally works to provide information and understanding about the EA program of recovery.
To learn more about the EA Program and find meeting information, please visit our website (