The RADIASLibrarianv2.3 is JAVA app! You need an installed JRE 7 or above to use it!
The RADIASLibrarianv2.3 has a big and some small new features.
- can run on MAC OSx, Windows XP,7,8,8.1,10 and x64 versions, and Linux;
- there is no menu just tabbed panes; the necessary functions are available by buttons on panes;
- the MIDI tab has a log window;
- the MIDI devices now are in a list, no in combox;
- in some cases there are same name for MIDI IN and OUT devices, now the name is extracted with hashcode;
- the tables now has a filter field to quick search in tables;
- in the randomizer section you can select the destination timbre to randomize;
- in the randomizer section now available randomizing the individual osc's, filters etc. not just both;
- the randomizer section has a new button to initialize the random program in the RADIAS;
- there is a new feature, the TimbreCombinator. It's allow you to select and collect timbres to a new program from the library's programs;
My librarian
- can run on MAC OSx, Windows XP,7,8,8.1,10 and x64 versions, and Linux;
- can read/write the original RADIAS Editor’s .rdl files;
- can export programs as individual rdp files to your "Home"\Documents directory;
- can import programs from R3 editor's r3l files;
- can import programs from MS2000 and microKORG syx files ;
- can import programs from microKORGXL's mkxl_all files;
- can store more then 256 programs;
- can sort programs by program number, program name, programmer name or comment;
- can set the program category, programmer name and comment on multiple programs;
- can randomize a selected timbre's synthesizer parameters by 15 groups;
- can randomize a selected timbre's MODSEQ1~3 parameters;
- can combine timbres (with assigned ARP/SEQ settings) from any of programs in library in to a new program;
- can create Cakewalk Instrument file for DAW usage;
Known issues:
- the vocoder patches are not perfectly converted;
- the MS2000, microKORG, microkorgXL and R3's DWGS/PCM wavetables are different then RADIAS PCM wavetables - may you need tweaking after importing files if you think...
- the R3 and microKORGXL patches are did not stayed in RADIAS memory after power off even thought you wrote it. Now it's solved.
There is a button on Library Import/Export tab to correct that mistake in the old libraries (before v2), so you don't need to reconverting the imported programs!