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Suspension: An Opposites Attract eBook

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eBook by Lainey Davis. Distributed by BookFunnel.

They say I have no chill.

Just because I iron my underwear and check people’s math for a living doesn’t mean I’m a monster. I’m particular.

I’m definitely not prepared for Maddie Parker, the writer my family’s business hires for a marketing project. She keeps candy in her pockets and asks uncomfortable questions.

She pushes all my buttons, and I suspect she’s doing it on purpose. I wish I could stop thinking about her red lips or the way her breath smells so sweet after she eats licorice. But does she have to eat it in my car?

I finally lose my composure when an unexpected storm makes a mess of things, and for the first time in my life, I don’t have a plan for how to proceed.

Suspension is book two of the Brady Family series about a band of brilliant, brooding engineers barreling into relationships whether they like it or not. If you love messy family dynamics, unforgettable characters and sizzling chemistry, you’ll devour this series by Lainey Davis.

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