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The Dancing Dementia Dude: An Urgent Conversation Between Dementia Folks, Care Partners and God

A Note from the Author:

The book is comprised of real-life stories that describe early and middle stage dementia from my perspective—that of a man who has been diagnosed with early-onset dementia.

In my own experience, much of the first-person writing regarding dementia—while useful and often poignant—tends to focus on the grimmer side of the disease. It is my ambition then to chronicle the humorous and opportunity-rich aspects of dementia, in hopes that it may inspire those affected to see a glimpse of light where there is often much gloom.

My journey thus far has not been without its darker days, but I have also been witness to delightful surprises and joyously humbling moments. The aim of these stories is to become a point of interaction between folks with dementia and their loved ones, to not only share the personal experience but also to open a doorway into the little-known world of dementia—and perhaps have some fun along the way.

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