This instructional package is designed for beginner and intermediate mandolin students who really want to learn how to play. So many students spend a significant amount of money on their instrument, tuners, case, strap, music stand, etc. and then fail or lag way behind (or quit) because they have not made the investment in learning materials.
Or the student fails to progress because they choose the wrong materials in the wrong order for their needs.
This package is designed to solve all of those issues. You'll have everything you need. You'll know the best order in which to proceed. You'll have "skin in the game". Once a person invests in a long term learning process there is a sense of internal obligation that forms.
Here is what you'll find inside:
24 Video Lessons with Tracks, Tab & Standard Notation PDF
Includes the Lesson Checklist PDF with my suggested order of study.
Also includes these 10 PDF eBooks and courses:
This Treasure Chest package contains 8 hours and 52 minutes of video instruction, 212 MP3 audio tracks and 568 pages in PDF form.
This collection contains everything I would teach a student over the course of 18-24 months of private lessons depending on their willingness to practice and learn the material. Learn this stuff and you WILL BE a competent mandolin player!
If you purchased all of these resources individually you would spent $282. Save over $180 and have everything you need all at once.
NOTE: This is a HUGE download. And it ought to be! It contains 45 years of my mandolin knowledge and has taken 12 years to create. (I wish I had this when I started!) Use your laptop or desktop computer when you start the download. Let it run and be patient. But once you have it, you have it. Once you have the download you can transfer the individual items (videos, PDFs and MP3s) onto mobile devices as desired.
To make the download process easier I divided the material into 4 zip files. Be sure to download them one at a time so that you have all the material. It is better to download one, wait until it finishes, then start the second, etc. until you have all four parts. Downloading them all simultaneously defeats the purpose of breaking this gigantic collection into four manageable parts.
The ebooks and courses will all be found in the first download file. The video lessons, with their PDFs and audio tracks, are divided into parts 2, 3 and 4.
The suggested order of study for the video lessons is in a PDF file called "video-checklist". You'll find it in the Part 1 folder.
BE SURE TO DOWNLOAD all 4 ZIP files so you have it all.