Sophie - By __404__
Hope you all enjoy her! Please leave feedback in my discord!
If you want something edited on her or a change please contact me on discord I will see if I can arrange it with you!
Tops: String Dress | Crop Top | Body Suit | Pasties
Bottoms: Panties | Leg Harness | Leggings
Misc: Beanie | Choker | Nipple Piercings | Back Piercings | Sleaves | Horns | Glasses | BackPack | EarMuffs
Shoes: Leather Heels | Boots
Customize: 2 Skin Tons | Tattoos | Lip Size | Cupids Bow
Contacts: Kiss, Boop, Headpat, Slap, Ass Slap
Locomotion: Scaling, Idle Poses
DPS: Vaginal, Anal, L&R Hand Job, Oral, Ass Job, Thigh Job, Tit Job
Do NOT redistribute in anyway.
Do NOT resell, trade, upload or leak to others.
Do NOT upload as public to any platform.
Do NOT use any assets/textures from this model for anything other than this model.
If purchasing for another user please use gumroads gifting feature.
Videos/Pictures: Brianna + Hostiig + OuijaKat + 404
Most assets either edited or made by me don't reuse them!
Heads - Nessy!#7402 / Head Textures - Nessy!#7402 + 404#1771 / Base - Sugs#9795 / Base Textures - Ying#6669 + Frenchies#0046 + 404#1771 / Hairs - Nessy!#7402 + Saikura#0006 / String Dress - rinebean#1111 / Bodysuit - 404#1771 / Choker - 404#1771 / CropTop - 404#1771 / Pasties - 404#1771 / Sleaves - 404#1771 / Panties - 404#1771 / Leggings - 404#1771 / Shoes - NyellGelaev#9561 + Sezzy#0001 / Accessories - Nessy!#7402 + Vinuzhka + Stinky E-Girl + Fooly#2329 / Ear Muffs - 404#1771 / Nipple + Back Piercings - 404#1771 / Extra - Av3Creator + Basic Dynamics - Rafa#0069 / Scaling - ThatFatKidsMom#6462 / Fluffs Toolbox - fluff#5265 / Locomotion FIX - WetCat#6969 + Peep#5877 + INYO#9404 + Gireison#0001