Amydoux LLC Rolling to the Doctors Office for Crutches and Foot Play (HD 1920X1080)
Amydoux rolls herself to the doctor's office after some weeks with her leg completely encased in a cast and not able to walk or put weight on it. She can't believe she is looking forward to being on crutches for weeks. When she gets to the office, she wipes off her half naked foot and cute toes sticking out of her cast wanting to be clean before the doctor sees them. Then she is rolled into the exam room and gets up on the table. The doctor further squirts antiseptic on her cast foot and starts cleaning between her toes and this tickles Amydoux (long foot play scene her with closeups), Once she's had a proper cleaning the doctor has her try out crutches and different cast shoes until she finds one she is comfortable with. Now Amydoux can spend the next few weeks crutching around and putting weight on her casted foot. Lots of closeups and foot play in this one including sole shots and we rate it a "Must See".
LENGTH: 18 Mins
SIZE: 1175 Mb
RESOLUTION: 1920x1080
UPDATE: 12/08/21