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The Book on Love

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At a time when the muddy deluge of hatred brings calamity to all the meadows of humanity*, this book sets out to speak to you of love! 
You, who would experience yourself, will find supreme freedom here! 
The freedom your soul needs, just like your lungs need air to breathe only love can give you ; without love the seed of life from which you shall arise to a growth which knows of no ending will die within you. – 
In these pages we shall speak of a power which has spiritual dominion over all the powers of this earth – a power which only the very few experience within themselves. For while they give the name ‘love’ to many things they know, they are too easily satisfied and do not delve deeply into their innermost beings, where the power of love could just reveal itself to them. 
Only he who delves deeply into his innermost self will find there the foundation of those wise teachings of love preserved in the ancient texts of the holy books, which everyone probably ‘knows’, inasmuch as the words of these books have reached them. Yet, only rarely have they been spiritually comprehended, as no one suspects that a law is revealed in these teachings, before which even the mightiest must bow lest sooner or later he is, despite his might, smashed – against himself. – 
If only one knew what love truly is, the countenance of this earth would have been changed long ago; all life would have long since wriggled itself free from constantly recurring torment. – – –

The words of divine wisdom which talk of this love are still today, as in the past, concealed by dense veils; only rarely has someone been able to lift these veils and gain knowledge. 
What he came to know was no longer that ‘love’ which he once thought he knew. For he now experienced a primal force which sent a trembling through the very marrow of his bones, – which caused him to quake in his innermost experience, and made him master where once he had been slave! – 
This book brings you tidings of this love! 
It shall bring your soul to this love! 
He who speaks to you here of this love, lives from this love himself!


Contents in English

The great man of love
On love’s original fire
The redeeming light
The creative power of love

The astronomer pages (89-92)

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