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Practical Guides for Lay Preachers, Worship Leaders & Group Leaders: Resources Boxed Set – eBook

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Practical Guides for Lay Preachers, Worship Leaders & Group Leaders: Resources Boxed Set – eBook, by Rosalie Sugrue

You are buying eBook editions of this 'boxed set' in PDF, ePub and Mobi formats.

The 'boxed set' contains four titles in one large eBook file: Lay Preaching Basics, Sophia and Daughters Revisited, Ten Plays + and Theme Scheme (new 3rd edition)

The boxed set ISBNs are: PDF 9781991027238; ePub 9781991027214; Kindle/Mobi eBook: 9781991027221.

You can download 1, 2 or all 3 eBook formats of this 'boxed set.' 

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See the bottom of this page for details of other places to order this eBook and also separate print and eBook editions of the four books in this compilation.

About this compilation

New Zealand Methodist Lay Preacher and community group leader, Rosalie Sugrue, shares the knowledge and distils the experiences she has gained over a lifetime of church and community engagement.

This eBook ‘boxed set’ brings together, in one convenient and comprehensive volume, over 720 pages worth of practical materials.

Priced at just $29.00, this boxed set saves you $26.00 compared to purchasing the 4 eBooks separately.

Lay Preaching Basics

Do you want to learn how to preach and lead worship, but don’t know where to start? This practical guide by experienced Methodist Lay Preacher Rosalie Sugrue will get you going.

Or perhaps the preacher hasn’t arrived to take your service and you don’t know what to do. The first chapter – Help! The Preacher hasn’t arrived – shows you how to manage if this happens, by using the resources you have on hand.

In the first third of the book Rosalie outlines information on key people and history in the Scriptures and offers a helpful step-by-step guide to planning and leading a service. In the rest of her book, Rosalie draws on the teaching tools and ideas she has developed as an educator and provides a variety of full service outlines and many sample prayers, as well as a list of websites and books as additional resources.

“This book is just what New Zealand churches need to support the emerging lay leadership in worship services.”  John Thornley, Lay Preacher, Palmerston North.

Sophia and Daughters Revisited

Rediscover these characters as spirited, wise women of passion and compassion.

This easy-to-use book has strong feminist imagery and references focused on women of the Bible. Updated and expanded, it now provides reflections on Tamar, Dinah, Naomi, Michal, Vashti, Jephthah’s Daughter, Lenna Button, Susanna Wesley and Ann Turner to use in church during the sermon slot. Includes prayers & dialogues.

Ten Plays +

Lay preacher Rosalie Sugrue’s 14 short plays and meditations are ideal to present in church. They encourage us to engage with Bible and historical characters and explore important themes.

Staging is simple. Few props or costumes are required. Most of these play readings are suitable for and work best with a combination of children and adults.

Theme Scheme

This updated and expanded 3rd edition of Theme Scheme offers you a wealth of creative ideas, activities, games, plays and quizzes to help plan, organise and lead your group’s programmes.

All are fun and practical, requiring minimal equipment, resources and time to prepare.

Other places to buy this eBook boxed set

Click the links to order: | Amazon UK | Amazon Aust

Kobo NZ | Kobo UK Kobo USA | Smashwords

Places to buy Print and eBook editions of the separate titles in the boxed set:

Lay Preaching Basics: Print | eBook

Sophia and Daughters Revisited: Print | eBook

Ten Plays +: Print | eBook

Theme Scheme new 3rd edition: Print | eBook

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  • EPUB (5MB)
  • MOBI (12MB)
  • PDF (9MB)

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