Awhi Mai Awhi Atu: Women in Creation Care - eBooks
Awhi Mai Awhi Atu: Women in Creation Care
Edited by Silvia Purdie – eBooks
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The respective ISBNs are: 9781991027139, 9781991027146, 9781991027153.
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Short Description
Does your church or community group want to get involved in caring for creation but don’t know where to start?The contributors to this book explore the issues, share their personal visions, and offer practical ideas that your church or group can act on today.
The book documents the emergence of a dynamic mission movement, and builds that movement with practical, creative ideas and resources.
The natural world is crying out for our loving attention.Does your church or community group want to get involved but don’t know where to start?
The contributors to this book explore the issues, share their personal visions, and offer practical ideas that your church or group can act on today.
Awhi Mai Awhi Atu tells the stories of 30 women, living in Aotearoa New Zealand from many cultures, who are leading in environmental action. Through their experience a powerful story emerges of God at work in a rich diversity of ways.
Awhi Mai Awhi Atu documents the emergence of a dynamic mission movement, and builds that movement with practical, creative ideas and resources. It includes:
- Vibrant stories of hope and creativity in the face of local and global problems
- 81 action points which provide practical tools for churches
- A wealth of prayer and poetry that connects heart and soul
- Discussion of theology in ecological mission.
This book encourages Christians to receive God’s love – awhi mai – and to share God’s love – awhi atu – in human community and with the natural environment.
Praise for Awhi Mai Awhi Atu
“Awhi Mai Awhi Atu is a precious gift to our church and our world. Filled with honesty and vitality, this collection honours and creates holy ground for women, men and children to stand in humble and hopeful relationship with each other and God’s earth. As a geographer, my life has been shaped by ‘earth-writing.’ This collection of women’s writing is the best type of ‘earth-writing’; written from, and written for, incarnational embodiment. Here women reflect deeply and powerfully on their own embodied relationship with the earth and with the Creator and Redeemer of all. Each reflection ends by grounding this wisdom in a gift of incarnational invitation for the reader – practical steps we can all take to live more humbly and hopefully in loving relationship with God’s earth. This collection is a beautiful celebration of the loving compassion perceived and expressed by the women of these islands as well as a clear call to join with the work of God’s Spirit in safeguarding the integrity of God’s creation and to sustain and renew the life of the earth.” Bishop Eleanor Sanderson, (Pihopa Awhina, Diocese of Wellington)"…We can make a difference. We can reach out and use our blessings to help others. We can learn from each other and benefit from the wisdom of the generations in cultures very different to our own. I have experienced those connections in reading Awhi Mai Awhi Atu. What a humbling privilege for me, living on the other side of the world, to be asked to write the Foreword to this book! It is full of so many inspiring and wonderful women, all drawing on their life experiences to be people who care for the land and the seas and all the creatures – human and wider – that share those spaces.…" Dr Ruth Valerio, Global Advocacy and Influencing Director, Advocacy and Influencing Group, Tearfund
Contributors & Contents
- Foreword: Ruth Valerio
- Introduction
- Empowered to Serve: Amy Ross
- Creation Spark: Ana Lisa de Jong
- At the Forefront: Angela Pennington
- All That God Has Given: Ani Kartikasari
- To Come Home: Anna Baird
- Problem Solvers: Ava Carter, with Liz Horn and Mandy Cleave, Rolleston Christian School
- The Change that Love Demands: Cathy Bi-Riley
- Coming Alive: Courtnay Wilson
- Connected to the Earth: Diana Johnston
- From a Mother’s Heart: Eliala Fihaki
- Keep Showing Up: Elise Ranck
- Sure as the Sunrise: Faaolataga Misikopa-Leasi
- See Where God Takes Us: Honey Thrupp
- Receive the Gift: Ira Schelp
- The Trees Are Our Neighbours: Iris Lee Fountain
- He Kākano Ahau: Jacynthia Murphy
- Titiro Whakamuri, Kōkiri Whakamua: Jenny Campbell
- Absolutely Abundant: Jill McDonald
- It Matters to Me: Kristel van Houte
- Sing About Everything: Lala Simpson
- It Will Be Spring: Marg Fern
- A Tribe of Enthusiasts: Marie Preston
- Tiakina te Taiao, Tiakina te Iwi: Mina Pomare-Peita
- Unveiling Nature: Nicola Hoggard Creegan
- Pray With Hands and Feet: Olivia Yates
- Take Jesus Out from the Church: O’Love Uluave
- I Relate Therefore I Am: Robyn McPhail
- Tiddlywinks: Rosemary Biss
- Expanding Vision: Silvia Purdie
- In God’s Will: Skye Finlay
- Theology in Conversation
- Book List
- Endnotes
- Action Points Index
About the Editor
Silvia Purdie draws diverse threads together in her writing and leadership.
She has written extensively: liturgical and pastoral resources for the church, contemporary psalms, a bible study on waste and a book on ministry transitions.
As an ordained minister, counsellor and supervisor she brings a heart for people and cultural diversity.
As a consultant and trainer in environmental sustainability she works for climate action. She loves to see and celebrate God at work.
Silvia convenes the Christchurch group of A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand and promotes Eco Church NZ.
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