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From Womb to Root: How-To Plant Your Placenta In Your Houseplant

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Embark on a transformative journey with "From Womb to Root: How-To Plant Your Placenta In Your Houseplant." This empowering eBook guides you through the sacred practice of reclaiming your placenta—a symbol of life, nourishment, and connection—and integrating it into the growth of a cherished houseplant.

Standing firm in your power, you'll discover the ancient wisdom rooted in traditional African culture that celebrates the sacredness of the placenta. This guide honors the profound significance of claiming full autonomy over yourself and your family, asserting your birthright to keep and honor your placenta in a meaningful way.

As you delve into the step-by-step process outlined in this eBook, you'll learn not just how to plant your placenta but also how to cultivate a deeper connection with your ancestral heritage. This sacred practice represents more than a simple act; it symbolizes the continuity of life, the bond between generations, and the inherent spirituality woven into the fabric of your existence.

Your placenta is not just a physical part of your childbirth journey; it is a sacred vessel that connects you to the roots of life. Explore the profound significance of this practice, honor the wisdom of traditional African culture, and nurture the growth of life within and around you. Your placenta, revered as a sacred entity, becomes a poignant and powerful symbol of your unique journey from womb to root.

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