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Optimized Bunnies V2

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Avatar made by saaga.

Well its been 2 years ago when i posted my first ever optimized avatar. The bunny couple. Well they were a hit and many were sold, i do apreaciate it a lot! Now i have remade them from scratch only the body, shoes, glasses and gloves were reused from the original or newer version of the asset. The rest was made by scratch by me ^^

For those who has bought the original will get 5$ off! Check your email for the code and if not just contact me on discord: saaga.


Heres a 360 view of the avatars

Stats is shown on the 2 picture


Its Good Optimized

Has two colors, white and black + a hue radial puppet.

Bunny ears control, watch the video to see how it works.


There may be mistakes or issues that I haven't encountered myself or that I don't yet know how to fix. I did my very best to make this avi good as possible.


Terms of Use:

You may not share my avatar package and contents with others in any way or for any reason

Don't claim that you made my avatar yourself

Do not upload my avatar to public

If u want to be uploaded for you ask me and not someone else!

If you want to use my avatar's parts for personal/commercial use, you must purchase them from the original creators of the parts

You must provide information while agreeing to the TOS; else, you are not permitted to use it

How to use:

This avatar was created in Unity 2019.4.31f1

Please run in order

1. Open a new project, i used VrChat CreatorCompanion (importing into the same project as another creator's avatar may break the project)

2. Import Poiyomi shader (version I used is Poiyomi Toon V8.0 idk) Download here - (

3. Import the avatar package purchased from me! <3

4. When uploading check if there is any Blueprint ID, if there is just detach it.



Body, Heels, Gloves (they are edited), Rave Glasses, Body text

The rest made by me saaga.


Body, Gloves, Shoes, Rave Glasses

The rest made by me saaga.

Well looks like this is the bottom, deam. Thank you :)

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Optimized Bunnies V2

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