Amanar (Andrii Balaban) "A Modern Tutorial and Practical Guide to Love Spells and Love Magic. One hundred proven love magic rituals, adapted to modern conditions."
This book is intended for those who feel a magical power within themselves and seek to use the sacred art of magic to find happiness in love. We recognize that many of you not only wish to find happiness for yourselves but also aspire to share it with your loved one, creating an atmosphere of joy and mutual understanding in your hearts.
This tutorial and practical guide presents rituals from white, gray, and black magic, as well as witchcraft. This variety allows each reader, based on their worldview and alignment with one path or another, to select the ritual that best suits them. By trusting your intuition, you can choose the practices that resonate most deeply with your inner self.
To achieve a strong and lasting result, it is optimal to select and properly perform three rituals. Each ritual described here is designed to be straightforward and accessible, allowing anyone to achieve tangible results, regardless of prior experience in magic.
This book was written by the experienced practicing magician Andrii Balaban, known in the magical world under the pseudonym Amanar. Amanar is the author of numerous books, textbooks, and practical guides on magic and witchcraft that have been helping people open new horizons in their lives for over 25 years.
May magic become your ally on the path to happiness and true love!
Table of Contents
Ritual 1: Osculum Nocturnae Lunae (Kiss of the Night Moon)
This ritual is designed to awaken interest and attraction in the heart of the one who captivates your attention. It aims to stir the shadowy aspects of desire, fascination, and subconscious attachment through the power of the night moon.
Ritual 2: Speculum Ardoris (Mirror of Passion)
This ritual is intended to ignite deep passion and inner attraction in the heart of the desired person. The “Mirror of Passion” reflects your emotions, channeling them into the dark, subconscious realm, evoking a strong and irresistible attraction.
Ritual 3: Incantatio Candelae Rubrae (Incantation of the Red Candle)
This ritual is intended to kindle a deep and passionate attraction that will cloud the mind and hold your beloved’s thoughts on you. By using the power and energy of the red candle, you can fill his heart with desire and passion.
Ritual 4: Veneficium in Petalis Rosae (Enchantment of the Blood Rose)
This ritual is aimed at attracting and capturing the heart of your beloved through the power of the red rose, symbolizing passion and hidden desires. The spell on the rose petals works as a symbolic message, touching the subconscious of the person it is directed toward.
Ritual 5: Nodus Aeternus (Knot of Eternal Attachment)
This ritual is intended to create a deep and powerful connection with the object of your desire. The knot spell binds you energetically, connecting not only thoughts but also the soul of your beloved to your will. This ritual is especially strong and suitable for those who want to establish a long-lasting bond.
Ritual 6: Ritus Cordis Tenebrosus (Rite of the Dark Heart)
This ritual is intended to awaken a dark but alluring attraction in the heart of your beloved, immersing him in mystical charm and irresistible desire. Suitable for deep emotional impact, it surrounds the object with the magic of the night, clouding his thoughts.
Ritual 7: Somnium Inferni (Infernal Dream)
This ritual is designed to penetrate the dreams and subconscious of your beloved, evoking an image of you that he cannot escape. You become his vision at night, his secret desire, and his inevitable passion.
Ritual 8: Stilla Sanguinis Amor (Drop of Blood Love)
This ritual is intended to create a deep connection based on the power of blood and ancient magic. Through it, you can awaken dark and passionate desire in your beloved, binding him to you energetically and influencing his emotions.
Ritual 9: Verbum Occultum (Secret Word)
This ritual is aimed at creating an invisible bond through a secret word, conveyed on an energetic level. Through it, you can implant in your beloved the thought of you, which will persistently return to him, even if he tries to escape it.
Ritual 10: Ignis Desiderii (Fire of Desire)
This ritual is designed to ignite passion and desire in your beloved’s heart, evoking an unrestrained pull toward you. Through the power of fire and the symbolism of flame, you create an energetic connection directed at his emotional awakening and attraction toward you.
Ritual 11: Lumen Lunaris Infernalis (Light of the Infernal Moon)
This ritual is intended to establish a dark and powerful connection with the object of your passion. By using moonlight and the power of the night, you awaken deep, hidden emotions in your beloved, shrouded in mystical darkness.
Ritual 12: Vocem Tenebris (Voice of Darkness)
This ritual is designed to penetrate the mind of your beloved and implant thoughts and feelings related to you. Through the power of the night’s darkness, you project your voice into his subconscious, making him hear your presence even when you’re not around.
Ritual 13: Pactum Ardoris (Pact of Passion)
This ritual creates a magical bond between you and your beloved, evoking passion that will keep his thoughts and feelings focused on you. Using the power of a pact sealed by fire and the symbol of blood, you establish a strong connection that fuels his desire to be near you.
Ritual 14: Lacrima Nigrum (Tear of Darkness)
This ritual is intended to create a deep emotional influence and bond, evoking an overwhelming sense of longing and need for your presence in your beloved. With the dark energy of the night and the symbol of a tear, you immerse him in a state where thoughts of you become his only solace.
Ritual 15: Vinculum Mortis (Bonds of Death)
This ritual is intended to create an unbreakable and all-encompassing connection between you and your beloved. Through the symbol of death and the power of primordial darkness, you establish energetic bonds that tie him to you at a profound level, as if his soul were held captive by your will.
Ritual 16: Animae Vinculum (Soul Bond)
This ritual is designed to create a deep and indestructible connection between your soul and your beloved’s soul. Through the magic of the night and the symbol of a soul knot, you link your essences on an energetic level, making him feel that his spirit is bound to yours.
Ritual 17: Tenebris Cordis Vinculum (Bonds of the Dark Heart)
This ritual aims to establish a deep emotional attachment that ties the heart of your beloved to you through darkness and mysterious forces. Using the symbol of the heart and dark energy, you awaken in him a sense of longing and need for your presence.
Ritual 18: Vocatio Umbrae (Summoning of the Shadow)
This ritual is intended to create a mysterious and irresistible attachment in your beloved’s soul to your image. The summoning of the shadow, hidden in the darkness of the night, awakens a mystical desire in his soul, making him feel that you are his inevitable destiny, his secret attraction.
Ritual 19: Votum Sanguinis (Blood Oath)
This ritual represents the strongest vow you make, creating a blood bond with your beloved. Through blood and the magic of the oath, you bind your fate with his at a profound level, creating a feeling of inescapable and destined attachment.
Ritual 20: Desiderium Tenebrarum (Desire of Darkness)
This ritual is designed to awaken a dark, inevitable desire in your beloved’s heart, which will become a shadow haunting his thoughts, drawing his soul into captivity with you. The powers of the night and darkness summoned by this ritual stir passion and magical attraction on an energetic level.
Ritual 21: Anima Captiva (Captivation of the Soul)
This ritual is designed to create an energetic trap for your beloved’s soul, binding him to you at a deep level and evoking a constant sense of your presence in his life. Using the magic of the night and symbols of confinement, you create an emotional and spiritual captivation that will continually draw him toward you.
Ritual 22: Nexus Aeternus (Eternal Bond)
This ritual is intended to create an unbreakable, eternal bond that connects your fates and souls. Through symbols of eternity and the power of the moon, you establish a connection that will accompany your beloved throughout his life, giving him the sense that you are always near, regardless of distance.
Ritual 23: Umbra Veneris (Shadow of Venus)
This ritual awakens hidden desires and passion in your beloved’s heart, making you the focus of his constant fantasies and longing. The Shadow of Venus draws him to you on a subconscious level, causing an attraction he cannot explain.
Ritual 24: Somnium Eternum (Eternal Dream)
This ritual is designed to penetrate your beloved’s dreams so that your image becomes an inseparable part of his nightly visions. Gradually, he will begin to feel your presence even while awake, experiencing a sense of attachment and longing that is hard to ignore.
Ritual 25: Vinculum Desiderii (Bonds of Desire)
This ritual aims to create a powerful emotional and physical attraction between you and your beloved. Using symbols of bonds and the power of fire, you create an invisible connection that draws him to you, awakening within him a strong and unexplainable desire to be close.
Ritual 26: Nexus Amoris Nocturnus (Night Bond of Love)
This ritual evokes a mysterious and profound desire, binding your souls and hearts in a nocturnal connection that does not leave your beloved indifferent. The magic of the night, moonlight, and symbols of love fill his heart with an irresistible sense of pull and attachment to you, permeating his dreams and thoughts.
Ritual 27: Lux Obscura (Dark Light)
This ritual awakens contradictory yet compelling feelings in your beloved’s heart, as though light and darkness flow simultaneously into his soul, binding him to you on a subconscious level. The magic of dark light causes in him an inexplicable urge to be near, immersing his thoughts in the mystical allure of your image.
Ritual 28: Vinculum Tenebrarum (Bonds of Darkness)
This ritual creates an unbreakable bond between you and your beloved, using the forces of darkness to awaken a deep emotional attraction. The bonds of darkness will envelop his soul, binding him to you subconsciously, making him feel that your connection is fated and inevitable.
Ritual 29: Maledictum Desiderii (Curse of Desire)
This ritual is intended to create in your beloved’s heart and mind an insatiable yearning and thirst to be with you. The power of the curse of desire acts on his subconscious, stirring emotions he cannot free himself from. He will strive toward you, feeling an unstoppable need for your presence.
Ritual 30: Somnium Amoris Aeterni (Dream of Eternal Love)
This ritual is created to establish an unbreakable spiritual and emotional bond that will remind your beloved of you in both sleep and wakefulness. The Dream of Eternal Love stirs within his heart a sense of deep and unchanging attraction, leaving you in his subconscious as an image he cannot escape.
Ritual 31: Cordis Vinculum Nocturnum (Night Bonds of the Heart)
This ritual creates strong bonds that connect your beloved’s heart to yours on a deep emotional and spiritual level. By using the power of the night and darkness, you awaken in him emotions that will compel him to seek you, as though you are his only and essential part.
Ritual 32: Vocatio Animae (Summoning of the Soul)
This ritual is intended to summon your beloved’s soul, evoking in him an insistent feeling that he must be near you. Using the magic of the night and hidden forces, you create an energetic thread linking your souls, reminding him of you and awakening an inner pull as though you are his destined path.
Ritual 33: Sensus Obscurus (Dark Sense)
This ritual is aimed at creating a deep emotional response in your beloved’s heart, stirring in him an insistent feeling of longing and desire he cannot explain. With the magic of darkness and energetic attachment, you plunge him into a state where thoughts of you become inevitable and persistent.
Ritual 34: Votum Amoris Inferni (Oath of Infernal Love)
This ritual aims to establish a strong emotional and spiritual bond, awakening in your beloved a profound sense of passion and obsession. Through the magic of darkness and the power of an oath, you bind his soul to yours, evoking in him an insatiable desire to be near you.
Ritual 35: Inexus Aeternus (Eternal Bond)
This ritual creates a powerful and indissoluble bond between you and your beloved. Through the magic of darkness and the symbol of eternity, you seal an oath that will accompany him throughout his life, stirring deep attachment and the sense that you are always near, even if distance separates you.
Ritual 36: Mors Amoris (Death of Love)
This ritual is designed to create an extreme, all-encompassing attachment that will make your beloved see you as his only path to peace and completeness. Through the magic of death and love, you create a powerful energetic vow, binding his soul to yours as if death and love were inseparable.
Ritual 37: Animae Fascinatio (Fascination of the Soul)
This ritual is aimed at enchanting the soul of your beloved, filling his thoughts and heart with an image he cannot rid himself of. Using the magic of darkness and the power of the night, you create an energetic spell that instills in him an unwavering sense of attraction and yearning for you.
Ritual 38: Tenebrae Cordis (Darkness of the Heart)
This ritual is designed to awaken a profound, mysterious attachment in your beloved’s heart that binds him to you on a subconscious level. The forces of darkness and night help you create an emotional knot that impresses upon him the sense that he cannot free himself from thoughts of you, no matter how hard he tries.
Ritual 39: Nodus Desiderii (Knot of Desire)
This ritual is aimed at creating a strong attachment and unyielding desire in your beloved’s heart, binding his thoughts and emotions to you through a symbolic knot. By using the power of the night and the magic of the knot, you create a constant sense of yearning and attraction that will prevent him from forgetting you.
Ritual 40: Vincla Aeterna (Eternal Bonds)
This ritual is designed to create an enduring, powerful connection that will bind your beloved’s soul to you forever. With the power of eternity and symbols of attachment, you create magical bonds that penetrate his subconscious, stirring in him the sense that you are his destiny and an essential part of his life.
Ritual 41: Desiderium Insatiabile (Insatiable Desire)
This ritual is intended to awaken an irresistible and insatiable desire in the heart of your beloved, constantly drawing him to you. The forces of darkness and fire create a powerful energetic connection, making him feel that he cannot be completely happy or at peace without your presence by his side.
Ritual 42: Vinculum Umbrae (Bonds of Shadow)
This ritual creates a powerful and hidden attraction between you and your beloved, using the forces of shadows and the mystical night. The bonds of shadow work on a subconscious level, stirring a mysterious attraction within him that he cannot explain. He will be drawn to you, feeling an unknown force binding him to you.
Ritual 43: Infernum Desiderii (Infernal Desire)
This ritual is aimed at igniting an intense, all-consuming desire that will burn in your beloved's heart like fire. By using dark forces and the energy of fire, you create a passion that will pull him toward you, making him feel that he cannot live without your presence.
Ritual 44: Umbra Fascinationis (Shadow's Charm)
This ritual is intended to awaken a deep, magical attachment in the heart of your beloved that remains hidden from his consciousness yet constantly follows him. The magic of the shadow creates a mystical charm, causing him to feel a mysterious attraction to you, even if he does not realize its true source.
Ritual 45: Desiderium Abyssi (Desire of the Abyss)
This ritual is designed to awaken a deep, mysterious attraction within your beloved, as though his soul is drawn to the abyss of unknown feelings. The forces of night and the abyss create a powerful connection, giving him the feeling that you are an inevitable and irresistible force he cannot avoid.
Ritual 46: Amor Tenebris (Love of Darkness)
This ritual awakens a dark, mysterious attraction in your beloved’s heart, making him feel that your bond is fated. Through the magic of darkness and the symbolism of love, you create an attraction that immerses him in deep emotions, strengthening the unbreakable bonds between you.
Ritual 47: Vinclum Occultum (Hidden Bonds)
This ritual is designed to create secret, unbreakable ties that bind your beloved’s soul to yours on a deep, subconscious level. Through the forces of darkness and concealment, you create an invisible connection that subtly influences his thoughts and feelings, causing a constant, unexplainable attraction to you.
Ritual 48: Desiderium Nigrum (Black Desire)
This ritual is created to awaken a deep and insatiable desire in your beloved’s heart, drawing him to you with an unstoppable force. The magic of black desire penetrates his soul, creating passion and attraction that he cannot suppress, even if he does not understand its source.
Ritual 49: Fascinatio Animae (Soul’s Enchantment)
This ritual is designed to surround your beloved’s soul with magical enchantment, binding him to you on a level of feelings and subconscious. Through the power of darkness and the magic of charm, you create an alluring energy that will constantly stir in him a longing and attraction toward you, even if he cannot explain these feelings.
Ritual 50: Vocatio Tenebris (Call of Darkness)
This ritual is intended to summon your beloved’s soul to you, using the power of darkness and hidden desires. Awakening his subconscious yearning, you create an energetic thread that draws him to you, making him feel that you are his inevitable fate.
Ritual 51: Ardor Inexstinguibilis (Inextinguishable Flame)
This ritual is created to ignite an undying passion and deep attachment in your beloved’s heart, which will burn constantly, like fire, preventing him from forgetting about you. With the magic of fire and darkness, you awaken in him a feeling that cannot be suppressed, creating a constant pull toward you.
Ritual 52: Aeternum Desiderium (Eternal Desire)
This ritual is intended to create a lasting, permanent bond that awakens infinite desire in your beloved’s heart, accompanying him throughout his life. The power of eternal desire makes you an inseparable part of his thoughts and feelings, creating the sense that you are his destiny and source of peace.
Ritual 53: Anima Captiva (Captivated Soul)
This ritual is created to capture and hold your beloved’s soul, binding him to you on a subconscious level. The magic of soul captivation creates a feeling that he will find no peace until he is near you, as though his soul is entrapped by your image and presence.
Ritual 54: Umbrae Cordis (Shadows of the Heart)
This ritual is intended to envelop your beloved’s heart in shadows, creating a deep and unconscious attachment to you. Using the magic of shadows and the power of binding, you create an effect that makes him feel an inexplicable longing for you and a sense that his heart is connected to yours by invisible threads.
Ritual 55: Desiderium Insatiabile (Insatiable Desire)
This ritual is intended to evoke a deep and insatiable desire in your beloved, constantly drawing him to you. The power of darkness and fire creates a blazing flame within his soul, making him feel that he cannot find peace without your presence by his side.
Ritual 56: Vinculum Sine Fine (Endless Bonds)
This ritual is designed to create a strong, eternal connection that will keep your beloved close to you for his entire life. Through the power of endless bonds, you create a deep sense of attachment that becomes an inseparable part of his soul, making him feel that you are his inevitable fate.
Ritual 57: Amoris Dominatio (Dominion of Love)
This ritual creates a powerful emotional and spiritual attraction that subjugates your beloved’s heart to your will. Using the magic of darkness and passion, you create a deep attachment, making him feel captivated by your love and unable to escape its influence.
Ritual 58: Nexus Animae (Bond of Souls)
This ritual is created to establish a deep bond between your souls, maintaining a feeling of closeness and indissoluble attachment. The power of the soul connection creates a sense that your beloved cannot free himself from thoughts of you, feeling drawn to you as his counterpart.
Ritual 59: Invocatio Cordis (Invocation of the Heart)
This ritual is intended to stir within your beloved a powerful inner longing for you, making his heart feel that you are the only one who can bring him peace. Through the power of darkness and the magic of invocation, you create a deep bond that awakens his feelings, drawing him to seek you out.
Ritual 60: Aeternus Vinculum (Eternal Bond)
This ritual is intended to create an unbreakable, eternal connection between you and your beloved, accompanying him throughout his life. The power of the eternal bond creates a sense that your destinies are intertwined forever, making him feel that without you, he cannot find peace.
Ritual 61: Vincla Obscura (Dark Bonds)
This ritual creates deep, inevitable attachments on a subconscious level, using the power of darkness to forge unbreakable bonds that bind your beloved’s soul to yours. These dark bonds cause him to feel a constant attraction and a hidden sense that his fate is tied to yours forever.
Ritual 62: Desiderium Aeternum (Eternal Desire)
This ritual awakens an enduring desire and attachment in your beloved’s heart, accompanying him everywhere like a shadow. Using the power of darkness and love, you create a connection that fills his soul with the feeling that he cannot find peace without you.
Ritual 63: Ligatio Spiritus (Binding of the Spirit)
This ritual aims to establish a powerful connection that binds not only your beloved's heart but also his spirit to you. This deep spiritual bond makes him feel that your energy is always close to him, even when you are far away. He will feel your strength and be drawn to you, sensing that you are his spiritual counterpart.
Ritual 64: Votum Perpetuum (Eternal Vow)
This ritual creates an unbreakable bond between you and your beloved, sealing your love and attachment as an eternal vow. The power of the eternal vow brings a sense that your connection is timeless and will exist regardless of any obstacles. He will feel your presence always, as an unbreakable part of his soul.
Ritual 65: Pactum Tenebrarum (Pact of Darkness)
This ritual creates a deep, unbreakable attachment between you and your beloved, sealing his heart in a magical union that cannot be undone. Through the power of darkness and the binding of a secret pact, you create the feeling that your connection is impervious to anything, no matter the distance between you. He will feel your energy as an inseparable part of his life and destiny.
Ritual 66: Vinculum Noctis (Bonds of Night)
This ritual creates a mystical, inescapable connection between you and your beloved, awakening a deep, hidden attraction in his soul that binds him to you on a subconscious level. Through the power of the night and the magic of shadows, you secure bonds that cannot be broken, giving him the sense that you are his destiny.
Ritual 67: Anima Vinculis Ligata (Bound Soul)
This ritual is meant to establish a profound bond between your souls, creating an unbreakable feeling of attachment and desire for you. Using the magic of darkness and hidden bonds, you enchain his soul in invisible ties that will pull him to you, no matter where he is.
Ritual 68: Amplexus Tenebris (Embrace of Darkness)
This ritual awakens a powerful, irresistible attraction in your beloved’s heart, as though invisible arms of darkness are drawing him toward you. Using the power of the night and dark magic, you create a deep emotional attachment that makes him feel that he will always be drawn to you.
Ritual 69: Nodus Eternus (Eternal Knot)
This ritual secures an eternal connection between you and your beloved, creating the feeling that his heart and your destiny are intertwined at a profound level. Through the magic of knots and the power of darkness, you create an indestructible attachment that will draw him to you for life.
Ritual 70: Aeternus Ardentia (Eternal Flame)
This ritual is intended to kindle an eternal flame of passion and love in your beloved’s heart, warming his soul and binding him to you for life. Through the power of fire and the magic of eternity, you create an unending desire that will accompany him wherever he goes.
Ritual 71: Vinculum Aeternitatis (Bonds of Eternity)
This ritual creates strong, eternal bonds between you and your beloved, sealing your connection at the level of soul and destiny. Through the magic of eternity and deep desire, you bind his heart to yours, making him feel that you are his destined one.
Ritual 72: Desiderium Sempiternum (Enduring Desire)
This ritual is crafted to awaken an enduring, eternal desire in your beloved’s heart, pulling him to you with an unstoppable force. Using the magic of eternity and hidden bonds, you secure this desire, making it a lasting part of his life and soul.
Ritual 73: Insatiabilis Amor (Insatiable Love)
This ritual creates a deep, insatiable love in your beloved’s heart, constantly drawing him to you. Through the magic of eternal attraction and the power of love, you create an emotional bond fueled by his passion, intensifying his desire for you.
Ritual 74: Amor Vinculis Perpetuis (Love by Eternal Bonds)
This ritual establishes a strong, eternal attachment between you and your beloved, forming bonds that transcend time and space. Through the power of everlasting love, you secure in his heart the feeling that only by your side can he find true satisfaction and peace.
Ritual 75: Devotio Aeterna (Eternal Devotion)
This ritual aims to instill an unwavering sense of devotion and attachment in your beloved’s heart. He will feel that his soul is forever bound to you, and only with you can he find complete peace and happiness. The power of eternal devotion allows him to feel you as his sole companion on life’s journey.
Ritual 76: Amicus Tenebris (Friend of Darkness)
This ritual creates a secret yet powerful connection between you and your beloved, stirring a feeling in his heart that you are his loyal companion and protector. Through the magic of darkness and hidden emotions, you bind his soul to yours, making him feel you as his only true friend and source of support.
Ritual 77: Coniunctio Umbrae (Union of Shadows)
This ritual is designed to create a profound connection between you and your beloved, using the power of shadows and hidden emotions. It binds your souls, awakening in his heart a feeling that you are an essential part of his life and that without you, his world would be incomplete.
Ritual 78: Amore Profundum (Deep Love)
This ritual is intended to create a deep, powerful attachment between you and your beloved, evoking in his heart the feeling that your love is the foundation of his existence. Using the power of magic and darkness, you strengthen this feeling, making him yearn for you with an unquenchable thirst for love.
Ritual 79: Umbrae Amoris (Shadows of Love)
This ritual is designed to create a profound bond between you and your beloved, using the power of shadow and hidden feelings. It awakens an unconscious love and desire in his heart, making him feel that your connection is more than just attraction.
Ritual 80: Amor Infinito (Infinite Love)
This ritual creates a strong, endless bond between you and your beloved, awakening a deep feeling of love in his heart that will last forever. Using the power of infinity and magic, you bind his soul to yours so that he feels your love as an inseparable part of his life.
Ritual 81: Nox Amoris (Night of Love)
This ritual is designed to create a powerful feeling of attachment and passion between you and your beloved, using the magic of night and darkness. It awakens an unconscious attraction in his heart that will manifest even during the most ordinary moments of his life.
Ritual 82: Amor Tenebris (Love in Darkness)
This ritual aims to forge a deep attraction and passion between you and your beloved, using the magic of darkness and night. It helps to awaken an unconscious love in his heart, deeply rooted in his soul, making him feel that only with you can he find true happiness.
Ritual 83: Anima Concordia (Harmony of Souls)
This ritual fosters harmony and understanding between you and your beloved. By using the magic of unity and connection, it binds your souls together so that he feels your support and love at every moment of his life. This helps him realize that you are his ideal partner.
Ritual 84: Pactum Amoris (Love Pact)
This ritual creates a magical pact between you and your beloved, strengthening your bond and fostering a deep sense of devotion and love. Through this ritual, you bind his soul to yours, making your love enduring and unbreakable.
Ritual 85: Sententia Profundum (Deep Feeling)
This ritual awakens profound and sincere emotions in your beloved’s heart, filling his soul with love and attachment to you. By using the magic of emotions and deep connections, it strengthens your relationship, creating an unbreakable bond.
Ritual 86: Amor Fulgere (Radiant Love)
This ritual is intended to create a bright, dazzling love between you and your beloved. It stirs strong emotions in his heart, filling his soul with light and warmth, making him feel your love as the primary radiance in his life.
Ritual 87: Pactum Luminosum (Radiant Pact)
This ritual creates a magical pact that amplifies your love and establishes a positive, light-filled connection between you and your beloved. It stirs bright emotions in his heart, making him feel your love as a source of light and joy in his life.
Ritual 88: Arcanum Amoris (Love Mystery)
This ritual is meant to create a deep, mysterious connection between you and your beloved. It awakens unconscious feelings and desires in his heart, making him feel that your bond is something magical and immutable. By using the power of dark magic and mystery, it strengthens your relationship, creating an atmosphere of intrigue and attraction.
Ritual 89: Sententia Aeterna (Eternal Feeling)
This ritual is crafted to build a strong, enduring connection between you and your beloved, reinforcing your eternal love and devotion. Through the power of magic and emotions, it lays a solid foundation for your relationship, serving as a pillar in any trials you may face.
Ritual 90: Amor Veritatis (True Love)
This ritual opens the path to true feelings and deep attachment between you and your beloved. By using sincerity and openness, it creates a bond based on trust and understanding, allowing him to feel the fullness of your love.
Ritual 91: Amor Invisibilis (Invisible Love)
This ritual forms a secret, invisible bond between you and your beloved, strengthening his feelings and desires. It allows deep attraction and attachment to bloom in his heart, even when you are apart.
Ritual 92: Unio Mystica (Mystic Union)
This ritual is designed to create a powerful mystical unity between you and your beloved, awakening feelings in his heart that bind you on a deep level. It helps establish a unique bond rooted in trust, understanding, and mutual support.
Ritual 93: Amorem et Animae (Love and Soul)
This ritual is meant to create a profound union between your souls, allowing your beloved to feel that his soul is inseparably linked to yours. Using the power of love and spiritual unity, it strengthens your bond and evokes sincere feelings in his heart.
Ritual 94: Vinculum Animae (Soul Bond)
This ritual establishes a strong, unbreakable bond between you and your beloved, uniting your souls at a deep level. It fortifies emotional attachment and allows your beloved to experience your love as an integral part of his life.
Ritual 95: Cor Amoris (Heart of Love)
This ritual is designed to strengthen the heart connection between you and your beloved, awakening sincere and deep emotions in his soul. Through the magic of the heart, you forge enduring emotional bonds that allow him to feel your love and support at every moment of his life.
Ritual 96: Amicus Animae (Soul Friend)
This ritual creates a profound friendship and bond between you and your beloved, allowing him to feel that you are not only a lover but also a loyal friend. Through the magic of the soul, it strengthens your emotional connection, fostering an atmosphere of trust and understanding.
Ritual 97: Amor et Fides (Love and Faithfulness)
This ritual is crafted to strengthen the bond of loyalty and devotion between you and your beloved. Using the power of love and sincerity, it forms durable bonds, allowing him to feel that your love is both genuine and enduring.
Ritual 98: Amare Infinito (Infinite Love)
This ritual creates a bond of infinite love and devotion between you and your beloved. It awakens in his heart the feeling that your love will never fade and will exist forever. Using the power of infinity and magic, it strengthens your connection at the soul level.
Ritual 99: Unitas Cordis (Unity of Hearts)
This ritual is meant to forge a deep unity between your hearts, allowing your beloved to feel your closeness and support at the soul level. It fortifies the emotional bond and helps establish harmony and trust in your relationship.
Ritual 100: Coniunctio Amoris (Union of Love)
This ritual creates a final, powerful merging of your love energies, allowing you and your beloved to unite on the level of souls. It helps to strengthen your feelings, attachment, and unity, making your bond durable and everlasting.
Site black mage Amanar (Balaban Andrii)