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The Night the Stars Danced

Critics label The Night the Stars Danced  “The best book they have read up to now”, comparing its potential to globally renowned Celestine Prophecy!

In Holland the dutch version, De Nacht dat de Sterren Dansten,  is banned by the mainstream media! Because the book is Fair-Trade Literature! Yet it spreads, thanks to internet and enthusiastic readers!! (Average of 4,5 stars reviews!!)

Buying this great novel means you Support Fair-Trade Books; You Help Make A Change!

Please read on!

My Story: 

Let me tell you my story: at the age of 40 I finally accepted myself; I am a Dutch transgender woman (shemale). The consequences of my coming out were disastrous, I lost my job, income, family, friends, and finding a new job seemed impossible.

Broken down I started writing, in search for the answers on the question "who am I?"... For over 1,5 years I wrote every night intuitively. 

Until suddenly I realized that I had found the answer! I had to share it with the rest of the world! I decided to turn my writing into a novel, only then the insights will spread.

Starting the Book:
Writing the book became my obsession, I wanted it perfect; about  two hundred times I have changed and polished the story.

3,5 years later, three top dutch publishers approached me interested in publishing my book! I had the luxury of choice! However, as a new author, I quickly learned that I would not be earning any money any time soon... 

So, I sold my car and used the money to start my dream!

Out of protest, and because I don't need it! 

My book has no ISBN!

I sell the book myself, directly, on my website, and everywhere I travel. My book is Fair-Trade Literature! 

"The Night the Stars Danced"

Recognizing the control over Global Mainstream Media:

80% of all global mainstream media are controlled by only 9 companies/families! And they also own/control the bookmarket!

For example, Bertelsmann, a family company, is majority shareholder in over 250 publishing firms, it owns a TV network(RTL), it publishes over 500 magazines, and they have a stake in online and realtime bookshops. The company controls the whole chain; publishing, promotion and sale. Annual turnover 18 billion. 

Although my novel is banned by the Dutch mainstream media, yet the book spreads, thanks to internet and  enthusiastic readers.

In Holland already over 2,000 copies sold!

The book has now been translated into english! This is the eBook!

Critics label De Nacht dat de Sterren Dansten “The best book they have read up to now”, comparing its potential to globally renowned Celestine Prophecy – which sold an incredible 200 million copies.

Although it was never my intention, the book became packed to the brim with inspiration on “how beautiful our lives can be, if we can change”.

On the website, there are already hundreds of great reviews... (All in Dutch)

For example (translated): "I have read the book in one time! ... .. wonderful story written very well, as if you experience it yourself ... .. acknowledge the values and norms of the Cathars what I felt more in my being and has now been confirmed, I was one, because I still think so ... .. buy that book !!!!!! it is a revelation !!!!!! "

Surprise yourself,  buy The Night the Stars Danced!!

A book some readers say it is the best book they have read!!

If the book becomes a global bestseller, probably many more authors will free themselves, and a message will spread across the globe “how beautiful our lives can be, if we can change”.

Furthermore, if The Night the Stars Danced becomes a global bestseller, I will be able to donate towards that change: The Vipassana Project.

My vision is to move the human race “away from hell” and “towards heaven”, showing the readers how to move away from mind-controlling elements in society.

The Vipassana Project is about "Let start over, knowing what we know now”... Inspired by The Night the Stars Danced.


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