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So You're Wealthy and Have Everything You Want Materially. Now what's next?

Perhaps Now You Want Beauty, Intellect, Health or The Divine... or Learn about the Mystery of Sexual Transmutation.

Maybe You're Struggling

Perhaps you're open to the idea of removing negative karma and healing blockages to restore your power to manifest things you desire in your life.

Warning: Law of Attraction is Actually The Law of Karma

According to Paramhansa Yogananda, the Author of Steve Job's Favorite Book, "Autobiography of An Yogi":

  • The Karmic Law requires that every human wish find ultimate fulfillment. Desire is thus the chain which binds man to the reincarnation wheel
  • The physical karma or desires of man must be completely worked out before his permanent stay in astral worlds becomes possible.  Those who still have earthly karma to dispose of must therefore re-inhabit a gross physical body in order to pay their karmic debts. They are classified after physical death as temporary visitors to the astral world rather than as permanent residents.  Beings with unredeemed earthly karma are not permitted after astral death to go to the high causal sphere of cosmic ideas, but must shuttle to and from the physical and astral worlds only
  • The power of unfulfilled desires in therefore the root of man’s slavery. These physical desires are rooted in egotism and sense pleasures. Master them and you will find liberation. Do not do what you want, and then you may do what you like.

If You use Law of Attraction according what the LOA attraction experts and internet teach you, you will accumulate much negative karma. Soon all you LOA efforts won't work anymore and you will spend decades or lifetimes repaying those debts.

Here's one you probably don't want to do. Don't try to manifest a relationship with a specific person.

If law of attraction works for you incredibly right now then you're probably in your early youth where you haven't accumulate much negative karma or either you haven't been traumatized in your childhood.

We're all manifesting all the time whether we are aware of LOA or not. You don't need to learn LOA or know LOA. But only those without pent-up karma within their system will manifest effortless. And majority are usually young people.

Once they accumulate negative karma thus creating blockages internally, they'll lose the power to manifest and become the type of people they once believe they will never become.

There are rules you must understand in order for you manifest for your highest good and live a happy life for all time.

You might think you're smart and that LOA is fictional fairytale of the dim-witted. You may think you can figure things out and get desires fulfilled or learn the knowledge and skills from experts and top individuals in your field of interest. But I promise you it won't work. Most of "smart" people probably would already tried for lifetimes and still haven't realized this.

You must understand that your brain is a receiver!!!

Without the ability to receive the thoughts and intuition to "be at the right place at the right time and do the right things," you will never manifest your desires. You can have the top-notch IQ, logical mind, analytical abilities. It will still not work.

Where do our creativity come from? Why did some people get ideas after ideas that actually work?

With the negative karma in your way you won't receive the right information to do the right things. If things are great for you, then it is even more imperative to learn to not lose it because losing it is even more painful than not ever having it. I've lived through all the stages. I know.

Recommended Products Order (Remove Karma -> Heal Blockages -> Max Manifesting Power)

Remove Negative Karma

Heal Blockages

Post-Qi Mastery: Maximize Manifestation Powers

Lose Weight DNA Level

Beauty (What's Missing from Traditional Qi)

Sexual Transmutation (Divine, Intellect, Beauty, Wealth)


Astrology (LifePath Changer)

Description and Benefits of Neigong and Amplified LOA on Chakras

Root Chakra (Muladhara):

  • Element: Earth
  • Corresponding Color: Dark Red, Back
  • Body Part: Bottom of Spine, HuiYing (between the reproductive organ and anus)
  • Corresponding Horoscope from Astrology: Gemini, Cancer
  • Energy Meaning: Innocence, Survival, Life Force
  • Healthy State:
  • Physical: Powerful legs, flexible leg joints, strong physical restoration ability, strong reproductive ability, normal excretion
  • Mental: Confidence in Self-Worth, Feelings of Protection and Support, Feelings of Childish Innocence
  • Unhealthy State:
  • Trauma: Mental or physical abuse during youth from bodily or sexual abuse causing nonacceptance of intimate relationships
  • Blocked: Unsatisfactory maternal relationships during youth causing rejection of one’s worth. Large lower body and insatiable appetite.
  • Underactive: Extended youth living in shame or lack of self-respect or freedom. Possibly causing anorexia.
  • Overactive: Lack of feeling of security during youth. Over-eating and sex to satisfy oneself.



Navel Chakra (Svachusthana)

  • Element: Water
  • Corresponding Color: Orange
  • Body Part: 2 inches below belly button
  • Corresponding Horoscope from Astrology: Taurus, Leo, Virgo
  • Energy Meaning: Sexuality, Passion, Creativity, Courage, Trust
  • Healthy State:
  • Physical: Strong lower body, flexible lower back, normal sexual needs
  • Mental: Intimate relations, non-over attachment or detachment, enjoyment of physical touch, self-worth
  • Unhealthy State:
  • Trauma: Strong setbacks during intimate relations, unable to express emotions, no courage to face problems, intestinal problems
  • Blocked: Extended youth lacking validations, unwilling to express own feelings, lost of courage, affecting sexual performance
  • Underactive: Extended living with no self-validations or external validations, lost of self-worth, unable to trust others, unable to accept intimate relationships
  • Overactive: Rejects intimate relationships, over-controlling in relationships through various means, abnormal sexual relationships, digestive problems



Solar Plexus (Manipura)

  • Element: Fire
  • Corresponding Color: Yellow
  • Body Part: Slightly lower peritoneal
  • Corresponding Horoscope from Astrology: Aries, Leo
  • Energy Meaning: Courage, Power, Rational, Social
  • Healthy State:
  • Physical: Normal Digestive Function, Healthy Muscle Joints, Strong Backbone, Strong Liver Function
  • Mental: Self Confidence, Leadership, Clear-Minded, Rational and Logical, Strong-Willed, and Proactive
  • Unhealthy State:
  • Trauma: Strong Social Anxiety, Unable to Hold a Job Due to Anti-Social Behavior, Over-Tense, Sever Stomach Problems
  • Blocked: Anti-Social, Unable to Listen to Others, Lack of Self-Confidence, Digestive Problem
  • Underactive: Unable to fulfill social duties and personal responsibilites, liver problems
  • Overactive: Unable to listen to others, obsessed with power, fame, money, and social status. Arrogance. Too much pride. Liver problems.



Heart Chakra (Anahata)

  • Element: Wind
  • Corresponding Color: Green, Pink
  • Body Part: Middle of Chest, Center Between Two Nipples
  • Corresponding Horoscope from Astrology: Libra, Pisces
  • Energy Meaning: Love, Hope, Empathy
  • Healthy State:
  • Physical: Strong Immune System, Normal Respiratory Function, Flexible Back Muscles
  • Mental: Able to Express and Accept Love, Empathic, Hopeful on Life
  • Unhealthy State:
  • Trauma: Untrusting of Others, Over-Sensitive to Intimate Relationships, Doubtful of Others’ Sincerity, Heart and Lung Problems
  • Blocked: Rejecting of Others’ Love, Unable to Express One’s Feeling of Love, Lack of Empathy, Loneliness, Respiratory Problems, Weak Heart and Lung Functions
  • Underactive: Unable to communicate with others, unable to feel the surrounding love, feeling of being abandoned, heart disease, blood vessel problem, abnormal lung function
  • Overactive: Unable to fulfill the need for love, over-controlling over lover, unemphatic, high blood pressure, hypertension



Throat Chakra (Vishuda)

  • Element: Light
  • Corresponding Color: Blue
  • Body Part: Mid-Lower Throat
  • Corresponding Horoscope from Astrology: Scorpio, Aquarius
  • Energy Meaning: Communications, Persuasion, Equality, Wisdom, Words
  • Healthy State:
  • Physical: Normal Eating Habit, Clear Pronunciation, Clearly Express Oneself Through Words and Speech, Normal Hearing and Tasting Functions
  • Mental: Easily Communicate with Others, Clearly Express One’s Intention, Correctly Understand Others’ Intentions, Sociable
  • Unhealthy State:
  • Traumatized: Rejects communications, Uses Verbal Attacks, Social Outcast, Abnormal taste function, respiratory function problem
  • Blocked: Depressed, Unable to Connect Socially, Daydreaming, Thyroid gland problems
  • Underactive: Rejects others’ sympathy, unable to connect socially, thyroid gland problems, loss of voice, respiratory infections
  • Overactive: Unable to Listen to Others’ Opinions, Unable to Distinguish between ideal and reality, vocal chord problems



Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)

  • Element: Spiritual Light
  • Corresponding Color: Indigo
  • Body Part: Center Between The Eye Brows
  • Corresponding Horoscope from Astrology : Sagittarius, Capricorn
  • Energy Meaning: Awakening, No Doubts, Observation
  • Healthy State:
  • Physical: No Sleep Disorders, Normal Eye Functions, Smooth Facial Features,
  • Mental: Balance between rational and emotional, strong sense of moral, responsibility for own actions, mindful of own actions
  • Unhealthy State:
  • Traumatized: Arrogant, Outcast, Unable to Fit In Socially, Problem Focusing, Vision Problems, Sleeping Disorders
  • Blocked: Unable to Concentrate, Lack of Observation Ability, Loss of Memory, Lack of Logical Reasoning, Migraines, Long-Term Headaches
  • Underactive: Unable Distinguish Illusion and Reality, Depression, Paranoia, Mal-nutrition, Hallucinations
  • Overactive: Over-Dedication to Religions/Spiritual Belief or Doctrine, Over-Controlling of Others through Morals. Hyperactive. Tense facial muscles.



Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

  • Element: Void
  • Corresponding Color: Purple
  • Body Part: Top of Head
  • Energy Meaning: Compassion, Wisdom, Initial Enlightenment, Evolution
  • Healthy State:
  • Physical: No Sleeping Disorders, Healthy Hormone System, Good Skin Condition
  • Mental: Peaceful, Tune and Balance one’s own emotions, spiritual
  • Unhealthy State:
  • Traumatized: Depressed on Life, Unable to Balance Inner Emotions, Memory Loss or Altered Memory, Hormone Disorder
  • Blocked: Blind Faith in Religions, Complains Often, Skin Problems, Hormone Disorder
  • Underactive: Blind Faith in Religions, Loss of Interest in Life, Suicidal
  • Overactive: Arrogant, Craves Others’ Adoration, Use of Doctrines to Control Others, Hormone Disorders, Hallucinations

  • * Chakras Information Courtesy of Seer

Health Manifestation System Based on Buddhism, Tao, Law of Attraction, and Higher-Beings (Free Sample Download)


Lord Buddha’s Food-Giving Dharma to Manifest Your Destiny (Free Sample Download)


Slimming Crystals: Achieve Naturally Slim Body Constitution with Crystals and Ancient Taoist Secrets (Free Sample Download)


Ancient Waidan (Taoist Alchemy) - Drink for Effortless Qigong (Free Sample Download)


Super Neigong of Ancient Monks - Modernized (Free Sample Download)


Slimming Elixir of Ancient Taoist Alchemy - No Rebound Hungerless Fasting : Weight Loss Version of "Ancient Waidan (Taoist Alchemy): Drink for Effortless Qigong" (Free Sample Download)


What's next after neigong? 100,000x Your Manifesting Power - Tao-Zen Gong - Maximize Transmutation of Shen to Return to Void with Help of Enlightened Masters, Angels, Gods, and Higher-Beings (Sample)


Secret Beauty Formulas From Buddhism, Tao, and Magic (Free Sample Download)


How To Modify Your "Unchangeable" Astrological Life Chart


Secret Beauty Formulas From Buddhism, Tao, and Magic

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Slimming Elixir of Ancient Taoist Alchemy - No Rebound Hungerless Fasting : Weight Loss Version of "Ancient Waidan (Taoist Alchemy): Drink for Effortless Qigong"


Ancient Waidan (Taoist Alchemy): Drink for Effortless Qigong


Super Neigong of Ancient Monks - Modernized


Slimming Crystals: Achieve Naturally Slim Body Constitution with Crystals and Ancient Taoist Secrets


My Transformation Through Neigong, LOA, and connection with Higher-Beings

Age 25. Engineer. Spirituality and Qi was superstition and dumb to me.

Little did I know, in 5 years, I would reach the astrological life chart where I would probably lose 90% of the energy that I've been given from the stars on a daily basis and not know about.

Energy protect us and enables us to operate.

in five years, I would lose all that. In addition to body not being to operate correctly. My body would suddenly be open to outside negative energy breaking in.

Just like that, one could lose health all of the sudden.

It's all written in the stars. If you know how to calculate it.

Now after nearly two decades, I know the solution to counter that. Enlightened Masters have given us the tools for this. But why couldn't I have known this back then... well... of course it's karma.

Now you can change your "unchangeable" astrological life chart... just like that ... no practice ... nothing to drink or eat ... how nice if I had known before. I'm using two of the tools in "How To Modify Your "Unchangeable" Astrological Life Chart."

Age 30 - Energy is so weakened such that body became extremely gaunt. Life/Death boundary.

Things became bleak when I ate one spoon of rice and my stomach become so full and extremely painful both in the front of the body and back of spine. I lost 1/3 of my weight in 2 months because I can barely eat and spitting out blot clots daily. Lost health, income of 300k/year, house, family... I was always good at making money ... Just like that ... I'm not. You thought it was all you but in turns out it's all just energy given to you or karma. Or you can call it Luck. Just different names for the same underlying force.

Met many incredible doctors and masters. Now that I can eat foods, I can survive.

Started to practice neigong on daily basis to survive. Drank Ancient Waidan (Taoist Alchemy) Drink for Effortless Qigong to keep my life energy at high level. I drank this for over 15 years. This is free energy into my body with no technique to master and practice.

Age 39 – 9 Years after surviving fatal degenerative illnesses. The mutated cells are still deep within the body. But my energy is strong enough to not be at the life/death boundary. I believe through years of practicing Lord Buddha’s Food-Giving Dharma to Manifest Your Destiny definitely alleviated much of horrible karma and helped me come across everything that I needed during this tough period even though I don't have the skills or energy or looks to warrant them

Age 43 – The deep illness still resides within my body. But my physical appearance has really transformed. Nothing to marvel at. But I think it is much better than many years ago or perhaps even decades ago. This is my first evidence that strengthened my confidence in the Beauty Formulas of Ancient Buddhism, Tao, and Magic.

Age 45 – There is not much I do now to maintain my slim figure because my inner body now works much more efficiently.

Age 46 - The horrific eyebags due to over decade of severe insomnia seems to be getting better. Face also looks more masculine.

Age 46 - Facial profiles are getting better each day with continued neigong practices (I practice three neigongs: a sexual neigong, an ancient exercise passed down from Taoist Founder/GrandMaster Zhang Seng Feng and sometimes the Super Neigong of Ancient Monks) and receive constant healings 24/7 from higher-beings through connections taught by Enlightened Masters. Now I can replace the missing energy of my life-chart with the energy of the divine. Instead of just depending on the stars of my astrology, I can change my destiny by depending on the divine and higher-beings.

About Me

It took me over 15 years of practicing, intense hardship and learning about Qi to reverse and alleviate a body of poor genetics, mental health, and my near fatal degenerative illness in the prostate, stomach, pancreas, thyroid, and brain (All with no invasive procedures). Without discussing emotional, mental hardships, and constant pain throughout my spine — the physical hardships involved are over-a-decade of severe insomnia, pus flowing out of the crown of my head, coughing out black mucus, blood clots, and virtually non-stop ringing inside my head, more. Now I wish to present to you my knowledge accumulated over the years with my keen senses to Qi paired scientific thinking. You'll also find out many Masters' incredible teachings that have helped me evolve my body, mind, soul. I hold BS and MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley and UCLA, respectively.

What people are saying

I've bought several of his works and asked a question for clarity and was quickly answered. This is the loa as seen from a Mystical Eastern point of view. New manifestations techniques and thoughts techniques that anyone can easily think on and or try.

Get his books! "Hypermanifesting", his other works and, and his products and services!

— Ivan

The current you (your health, wealth, intellect, beauty, etc) are the sum of your karma in all the different parallel realities. In traditional Buddhist view, this is called past lives. But it is just one perspective of looking at the workings of the universe. All your past and future lives are all happening here and now. They are you and also not you. They are parallel realities. It is possible to change those karma in the parallel realities with advanced spiritual and karmic advancement methods. So the current you don't have to suffer from the negative karma of the other realities. You could learn over a decade of my findings here and apply them to your life. Wherever you are karmic wise (you may even be well ahead of me), the tools you learn here will be the fuel for your continued ascension both spiritually and materialistically. No more possibility of karmic descent or spiritual devolution.

Super Neigong of Ancient Monks - Modernized
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Let us start with an Excerpt from Master Nan Huai-Chin's discussion in "Recordings of Zen Teachings."

Attention! Those who choose to become monks and study Buddhism must understand the importance of having a method. Why were there so many accomplished monks in ancient China? Many of them practiced a method that is rarely practiced today, called " Banzhou Samadhi." Let me tell you about " Banzhou Samadhi," but do not attempt it recklessly! Honestly, nowadays, young monks lack strong spiritual commitment.

How is " Banzhou Samadhi" practiced? I have seen it before. In the past, on the mainland, there was a monk named Da Yu, who possessed supernatural abilities. It is said that he held a ministerial position during the warlord era of Beiyang. Later, he renounced worldly life and developed supernatural abilities. How did he attain enlightenment? How did he gain these supernatural powers? He achieved them through the practice of " Banzhou Samadhi." What is " Banzhou Samadhi"? It involves clearing out everything from a large temple hall, leaving it completely empty. Then, a rope is hung from above, resembling a hanging noose. Several ropes are hung inside the hall. For forty-nine days, day and night, without sitting down or lying down, one continuously walks while chanting "Amitabha Buddha." Hey, try walking like that! After half a day, you'll find it unbearable. What do you do when you get tired? You are not allowed to sleep or lie down. Instead, you hang from the rope, suspended in the air, still standing. He said that after walking for over ten days, his legs swelled up, becoming as large as buckets. (Master Zhi Zhe also practiced this method, this kind of ascetic practice.) He said that slowly, after about thirty days of walking, the swelling subsided, and his legs became agile. Continuing to walk, after about forty days, suddenly – when one can hardly endure it anymore – the person collapses. In the moment between collapsing and not collapsing, they attain great enlightenment.

Why are there so few accomplished individuals in Buddhism nowadays? Because there are very few who are willing to practice diligently. Isn't ascetic practice easy? You attend class after having your meals, take notes, and then eat spinach! Prajna? Ultimate reality? Stir them together; they taste pretty good. Then, there's the Eight Consciousnesses, and beyond that, the Ninth Consciousness. Once you've transcended the Eighth Consciousness, you reach the ultimate reality. Just doing that is enough, right? No, you need true practice! Open up the biographies of the great monks and see if I'm wrong. Look at the biographies of Chinese high monks! Everything I've said is completely accurate.

Few people practice genuine asceticism nowadays, so there are few achievements. Who is willing to endure hardships? Asceticism, enduring hardship, has its reasons. Why do your legs swell up? It is because it eliminates all your karmic obstructions. So, when your legs swell, ache, or go numb, it's a good thing, not a bad one. But for women, you cannot stand for too long. Pay attention! Men and women are different! For men, the lower part of their bodies is crucial.

Look at men in the military standing at attention. Like when we were in the military, standing for three or four hours, we didn't mind at all. We stood up straight, of course, wearing military boots, and our sweat would drip down inside the boots, drop by drop. When it came time to take off the boots, we had to call the duty soldier to hold onto them while we pulled our legs back to remove them, and they would be filled with sweat. Standing in the scorching sun on a hot day.

Men can stand. Women, if you make them stand for half an hour, it's like asking for their lives. A woman's vitality is in the upper half of her body, while a man's vitality is in the lower half. Men and women are opposite; yin and yang are opposite. When women walk, their buttocks sway. In the morning, when women comb their hair, they can sit there for a while, maybe an hour. But for men, if you ask them to hold two newspapers over their heads for an hour, it's also asking for their lives; they can't hold them for long. You must understand that you shouldn't mess around with these things, and in the future, when you guide others, you must not guide them carelessly. Women are different; women should put their hands together and sit quietly. Slowly, their vitality will rise, and their energy will flow freely. It all makes sense. In this way, when you look at Buddha statues, you will understand. The Buddha statue's hands put together also has a reason.

Master Nan has mentioned a specific neigong method many times in his teachings and asked his followers to practice this en masse of which I’ve seen videos.

This book will build on the principles used by the supernatural ancient monks mentioned in the teachings but adopted for modern day individuals for safety and effectiveness – and safe for both male and female anatomies.


There were a few years that I devoured Buddhist content in search of knowledge of Enlightenment. I guess it was a way to escape and explain the tragedy of my life. During this time, I learned about many ancient Buddhist Qi practices that were almost mythical, supernatural, or of legends.

This brings us to the story of the Ancient Buddhist Walking Meditation (經行) that I learned from Master Nan Huai Chin.

There was a Monk hoping to reach enlightenment (he was already close) who also heard about the Walking Meditation and was ready to start.

He set up a pole that span across a temple and hooked his hair onto the pole.

He would then walk back and forth within the temple and would not lie down or sit down. When he got sleepy, he would nap only a little by resting against the walls of the temple.

He did this for thirty continuous days. During the process, his legs and feet swelled beyond imagination. Puss and blood came out from lumps on the swollen feet and legs.

No doubt it was painful. But people from the ancient times had a simple mind and their drive to achieve enlightenment was none like others. So, it is really us that have deteriorated in modern times.

He did not really think much about the pain and just pushed on.

If it were someone in modern times, a little pus would send him/her into a frenzy of fear and into the hospital to ask for treatment.

Eventually, the puss and blood stopped, and the swelling went away. The legs and feet returned to normal. But the legs are now like never. The skin is like that of newborn babies. And not just the feet. The rest of the body, too. His hair and face have also rejuvenated.

It turns out the body was just casting out the toxins long stored within his body–even the toxins with which he was born.

After a month of walking, he thought to himself, “I think I’ve done enough, and I really need a good sleep.” So, he untied his hair to lie down on a pillow.

Just as his head touched the pillow, he did it. He attained enlightenment.

So, he attained enlightenment and got a much better-looking physical body. Rather good deal, right?

(I am not saying you could achieve enlightenment this way. It only worked for him. It might not work for you and me. In fact, there are so many ways. But that is another topic.)

Also, please do not try this because you could end up hurting yourself, even fatally. People in those days and age had simpler minds (this is a big plus) and fewer toxins in their body, whether those toxins are before, after-birth or both.

The way you need to deal with those toxins and energy blockages is tricky. Most of us cannot force our way through those toxins like the monk did. You will hurt yourself before those toxins decide to leave your body.

I will show you a better way. A way for the more complicated and modern-day individual.

In this book, I have devised a modern and safe way to perform the Walking Meditation that helps you change your body by putting Buddhist and Taoist methodologies together.

I tried the Walking Meditation and eventually improved the method based on my understanding of Qi. This method affected every part of my body.

The benefits of Walking Meditation are endless. Not just the body, but the mind.

It is also simple. No Qi to guide. No complicated hand, arm, leg movements or gestures like Taichi or Qigong. No flexibility issues of Yoga.

As you can see from the story of the ancient monk, this Super Neigong is also more powerful than many other Qi practices.

The Taoists are especially focused on the cultivation of the physical body. With the synergy of Buddhist and Taoist practices, this improved Walking Meditation will be a powerful tool for your Qi exercises.

What is Neigong?

In ancient China, the practice of inner energy is called Nei-Gong (內功), meaning Internal-Kung Fu. It is the basic energy practice to return one’s inner physical body to a truly healthy state.

Nei-Gong (內功), in a way, means to change the structure of your physical body so that energy flows like that of a “superconductor.” In a sense, your body becomes a hyper-efficient Qi-Reactor.

It plays an essential role in a set of practices to attain a truly healthy state of mind and body.

The Ordering of Your Qi Practice Counts!

When you practice the core inner energy method of Neigong, the inner energy generated is hard and hammer-like. It breaks down the major energy/physical blockages in your body. This is because Neigong is at the center of Qi cultivation.

Read the following translation of an excerpt from one of Master Nan Huai Chin’s speeches:





我在外面一聽,哎喲,中國人怎麼一天到晚練氣功… 哇!連外國人也跟著亂來,外國人很容易受騙的,我們在外面擺個架勢這麼一比劃,哎喲!這是中國人,有工夫的。實際上我們風都吹得倒,有什麼工夫?大家亂受騙。



Twenty or thirty years ago, everyone on the mainland was practicing qigong. This is what I’ve been hearing. How did this happen? How did Chinese culture become qigong! I’m saying this even if it’s a bit biased: Chinese culture first had Wu-Gong (doing sports and exercises first)

What is Wu-Gong? The principle of Wu-Gong is, “Externally: Exercise muscles, tendons, flesh, and bones. Internally: Practice Qi.” This is Wu-Gong practice, which we all played with back then….

After practicing Wu-Gong, the next step one would then practice Qi-Gong. This is Chinese culture. Qi-Gong’s next step is to practice Nei-Gong, which is different; Nei-Gong’s next step is Tao-Gong; Tao-Gong’s next step is Zen-Gong.

I’ve heard much recently, oh mine, why do Chinese practice qigong all day long… Wow! Even foreigners are also doing this nonsense. Foreigners are easily deceived. We make a (martial arts) gesture like this. Then they’re like, wow… this is a Chinese, and he has martial arts skills. The truth is, even the wind can blow the (fragile) us down. What martial arts skills?! Everyone was fooled.

(Excerpt from “Nan Huai Chin’s Lecture Records,”: “Humanities Issues”)

The excerpt above lines out the important order of your Qi cultivation.

The order is:

1.   Wu-Gong (武功)

2.   Qi-Gong (氣功) 

3.   Nei-Gong (內功)

4.   Tao-Gong (道功)

5.   Zen-Gong (禪功)

The latter two, Tao- and Zen-Gong, are more geared toward spiritual enlightenment, which comes naturally after Neigong…

Everyone is trying to do “Zen-Gong” (禪功) before all those previous four steps. The reversal of this order dramatically slows their cultivation development.

Once the Neigong step is complete, one will progress into the four Levels of Zen meditative states easily.

The hammer-like practices (no, it is not intense exercise) are the basis of “Nei-Gong” or “Internal Kung Fu.”

This will give back a truly healthy body. This cannot be done with Wu-Gong (sports, exercises, or muscle workouts) that strengthens your physique and Qi, but not focused on clearing the internal blockages.

Only after all the blockages in your body are cleared can you be called a truly healthy person.

Stages of Qi Achievements:

1.   煉津化精 (Transforming Food to Jing or a Type of Heat, A Pre-Energy-State of Sexual Fluid)

2.   煉精化氣 (Transforming Jing to Qi or Bioenergy)

3.   練氣化神 (Transforming Qi to Shen or Consciousness)

4.   煉神還虛 (Transforming Shen to Return to Void)

5.   練虛合道 (Accumulate Void to Become Tao or Reach Enlightenment)

When your body is free of energy blockages, your body becomes a self-sufficient Qi reactor. Your body will perform the above transformations with high efficiency...

5 Steps of Transformation

Inner Energy “Super” Walk
The order of complete mind body soul transformation is Wu-Gong (武功), Qi-Gong (氣功), Nei-Gong (內功). Then Tao-Gong (道功). Finally Zen-Gong (禪功). The latter two, Tao- and Zen-Gong is more geared toward spiritual enlightenment.

I will show you Simple yet powerful inner energy “super” walk used by Ancient Monks (Qi-Masters) to bring their physical body to peak health. Most of time, simple always beats complicated. This is one of the easiest, fastest way, most powerful way to build inner energy. This technique encompasses all three of the basic inner energy practices, Wu-Gong (武功), Qi-Gong (氣功), and Nei-Gong (內功).

Store New Inner Energy in Your Reservoir
The abundant energy generated will clear your energy channels. Freely flowing inner energy channels will make your visualization efforts significantly stronger. This is a prerequisite to making visualization truly work wonders for you. When people say that visualization doesn’t work, this is because their energy channels are blocked in many places.

With enough inner energy generated, your body will also find blockages in your mind and body and then clear them with great force.

You’ve seen the everyday QiGong or Taichi practices people do. You have seen so many people practice these supposedly great energy exercises. Yet have you wondered why many of them still look weak and fragile? In this book you will find out why…

The only exception are the masters who dedicated their lives to Yoga, QiGong and Taichi and knows very advanced inner energy practices that are very difficult to master. But you already know you don’t have a lifetime to practice these methods… right?

The practices of this method is focused for fast and dramatic results.

More Importantly, It’s Easy Beyond Belief

You will also find this is also one of fastest way to get fit, get strong, and get athlete.

Nothing To Master
Two Kinds of Sweat

There are two kinds of sweat. One is good (sign of ample inner energy) and one is not so good (losing inner energy). Are you sweating the right ones?

The key to building inner energy
The secret behind generating inner energy. If you understand this, then you understand what are all inner energy methods trying to achieve.

the Biggest enemy in building inner energy
What is the biggest enemy in all inner energy practices? If you don’t know this and actively address this, you may never see any inner energy benefits.

Discussion of simple and advanced inner energy practices
There are many methods for building inner energy. Like all methods, they range from simple to advanced practices.

Simple methods are straightforward, easy to practice, and you’ll see results right away. These are the everyday QiGong or Taichi practices you see people do. You have seen so many people practice these supposedly great energy exercises. Yet have you wondered why many of them still look weak and fragile? In this section you will find out why…

The only exception are the masters who dedicated their lives to QiGong and Taichi and knows very advanced inner energy practices that are very difficult to master. But you already know you don’t have a lifetime to practice these methods… right?

You will also find this is also one of fastest way to get fit, get strong, and get athlete.

Dear Health Seeker,

In ancient China, the practice of inner energy is called Nei-Gong (內功), meaning Internal-Kung Fu. It is the basic energy practice to return one’s inner physical body to a truly healthy state.

It plays an essential role in a set of practices to attain a truly healthy state of mind and body.

When you practice the core inner energy method taught in my book, the inner energy generated is strong, hard, and hammer-like. It is designed to break down the major energy/physical blockages in your body. On the opposite, soft energy generation like meditation, sleep, visualization, positive affirmation, or hypnosis will have a very difficult time doing.

This is why the people doing these soft-practices for “decades” will never get anywhere because they’ve got the order wrong!

The order is Wu-Gong (武功), Qi-Gong (氣功), Nei-Gong (內功). Then Tao-Gong (道功). Finally Zen-Gong (禪功). The latter two, Tao- and Zen-Gong is more geared toward spiritual enlightenment.

Everyone is trying to do “Zen-Gong” (禪功) before all of those previous 4 steps.

The hammer-like practices (no, it’s not intense exercise) is what is called “Nei-Gong” or “Internal Kung Fu”.

This will give back a truly healthy body. After that, it’s slim, fit, and a truly free reality for you.

Only after all of the blockages in your body are cleared, can you be called a truly healthy person and you will always keep a lean and fit figure – unless you really want to break it.

In this book, you will find out a technique that encompasses all three of the inner energy practices specifically on transforming your physical body, Wu-Gong (武功), Qi-Gong (氣功), and Nei-Gong (內功).

It is one of the most efficient inner energy practices and requires no complicated instructions.

On top of that, you’ll get an array of powerful energy sources available to you without any practice to help you out.

The true goal of strengthening your body is so you can go on to pursue your heart’s desire.

Life is short. Time is limited.

That’s why you want to practice the most efficient inner energy weight loss methods and use the simplest and most powerful inner energy sources available.

I don’t want you get trapped into an endless addiction of playing around with Qigong or some fitness fads that could get you nowhere.

Get your body right, fast, and go on to pursue your life’s true calling.


David H Teng
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